Someone Save Me Pt.3

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I'm free...


Third Person POV:

The boys were still looking down at their beaten teammate. They knew they had to get him back to the robot, he needed medical attention asap.

"Oh my god Ryan!" Spyder cheered.
Ryan gave a weak smile.
"It's actually you right?" Mark said with happy tears in his eyes.
Ryan nodded.
"Ryan can you speak?" Harris asked.
Ryan shook his head.
The team looked at one another worriedly.
"Ryan why can't you talk?" Mark asked.
Ryan made a few actions that his team was able to decipher.
"So you haven't talked for 61 days!?" Spyder exclaimed.
Ryan nodded sadly.
"Okay, well that explains why you can't talk. Once we get you fixed up we can easily get your throat back to normal." Harris explained.

The guys looked down at Ryan and looked over to the robot to see how far away they were. It wasn't too far.
"Ry can you walk?" Mark asked.
Ryan shook his head.
"You haven't walked in 61 days have you?" Harris added.
Ryan nodded.

The team sighed. This was going to be difficult. Trying to get Ryan over to the mech without hurting him.
"Wait Ryan! Why don't you just get the robot to stomp on us here?" Spyder asked.

Ryan closed his eyes as he remembered that he doesn't even know if his powers still work. He was so weak, and the ooze may have affected his abilities.

"Haven't dome that in 61 days either huh?" Mark asked.
Ryan nodded.
"It's okay bro, we'll get you over there." Mark said.
Ryan smiled at his brother. He was in a lot of pain, but he couldn't help but just be happy that he was alive and with his friends again.

Mark and Spyder both grabbed one of Ryan's arms and Harris grabbed his legs. They tried to lift him up, but when they did, Ryan screamed out in pain.
"Ryan!" They all yelled.

Ryan realized that he wasn't going to get into the robot easily. But he needed to get back, so he would just have to suck up the pain.
He looked over at Mark and nodded his head.

Mark nodded also and they began to lift him again. It wasn't very hard considering how light and unhealthy he was.

Ryan held his breath. It hurt him so bad, but he needed to get to the robot. Just being inside could help make his powers get stronger again.


When they finally arrived at the robot, Harris ran to get the medbay ready, while Spyder and Mark brought Ryan inside.

"Okay lay him down there and I'll do a full body scan." Harris said.
"Alright." Mark answered.
Him and Spyder later Ryan down carefully onto the table.
"You're gonna be alright Ry, you're safe now." Mark said as he gently hugged his little brother.

Harris started the scan and gasped in shock when it was finished.
"O-oh g-god Ryan, what did h-he do to you?" Harris whispered.
Ryan closed his eyes, and the days of countless hours of torture came back. He quickly opened them back up.

"Harris what is it. Is he alright!?" Spyder panicked.
"Well, his injuries are really bad, and- just listen to the report. So Ryan has a broken wrist, his ribs are shattered, he has a severe concussion, he is extremely malnourished, so his immune system is incredibly weak, his throat appears to have a thick layer of some sort of scratchy thing that is preventing him from talking, he will need to learn to walk again after not walking for so long, he has deep wounds all over his body that I need to patch up, not to mention the countless amount of whip shaped bruises that cover his body with a high concentration of ooze designed to weaken your power. I don't even know if you can use your power anymore, or if Ryan will ever talk or walk again." Harris said with an angry tone of voice. He couldn't believe what Traeger had done to his best friend. It was horrible.

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