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"Come on Ryan, wake up. We gotta go to school." Mark says while peeking his head into this brothers room.
"Okay. I'm up. I'm up." Ryan said, dragging himself out of bed.
"Meet me in the car in ten Okay." Mark says.
"Yep" Ryan replies with a yawn.

Ryan was exhausted as they had a tough battle the night before and well, Ryan got hit too many times for his liking. Mark hated how Ryan was constantly in danger, but he had the power to stop world destruction and there was nothing he could do to make it safer. Every time he strapped into the harness, it was possible that he could die. Mark was snapped from his thoughts when Ryan cane running into the car.
"Ready!" He yelled.
"Alright let's go then."

The school day was long and boring. Mark skipped fourth period because he just felt like it, and Ryan attended all his classes, but slept through half of them. Spyder spent the whole time staring off into space, while Harris was frantically writing down everything his teachers said. The bell rang and they were headed over to the mech for some training practice. Once they were there, Harris gave word to the team that there was a new weapon that needed to be tested.
"Me and Leo have secretly been designing it for weeks. It should give you the ability to melt the monsters into a puddle of ooze." Harris said.
"Woah awesome!" Spyder yelled.
"Yea! So how do I work it?" Ryan asked.
"Well... Spyder has to activate it and then a beam will shoot out of your chest. There is a slight possibility it could start to burn you, but there is an emergency power switch that Spyder has as well to prevent that."
"Wait. He could burn himself!" Mark exclaimed. He did not like the idea of another thing that can hurt his brother.
"Mark it's okay. We're gonna test it to make sure it doesn't happen." Harris explained.
"Ryan are you sure you're ok with this?" Mark asks Ryan.
"Yea it's okay Mark. It'll be okay." Ryan replied. Mark has been acting weird lately and he couldn't figure out why.

Once Ryan was strapped in, Harris showed Spyder where to activate and deactivate the weapon. Ryan faced the mech towards an empty field far away from the town so they could safely test their weapon.
"Okay Ryan. Whenever you're ready." Harris said.
"Okay. Ready." Ryan said. Just then Spyder turned on the weapon and Ryan was lifted up and a orange beam started shooting from his chest. Everything was going well for a few seconds, until Ryan felt a sharp pain in his lungs. He started to wince and Mark noticed.
"Ry are you alright?" He asked.
"Ugh...yea...AGHHH" a huge wave of pain flowed through his whole body.
"Spyder shut it down!" Mark yelled.
Spyder tried disarming it but it wasn't working.
"It's not working!"
Ryan was screaming louder now. He was burning, badly.
"HARRIS!" Mark yelled.
"I'm trying!" Harris yelled. He was typing codes into a computer trying to fix whatever wasn't working.
" it! Spyder now!" Harris yelled. Spyder slammed his fist on the button and stopped the weapon. Ryan fell to the ground and Mark rushed over.
"Ry! Ryan! No!" Mark yelled. He lifted his baby brother into his arms to see a huge burn on the front of his chest. Mark lifted him into his arms and ran him over to the med bay where Harris scanned him.
"Okay...he has a second degree burn on his chest but other than that he is alright. He should wake up soon. Spyder can you pass me the bandages and the burn ointment please." Harris said.
"Here." Spyder said. Mark didn't take his eyes off of Ryan for one second.
Harris gently applied ointment on Ryan's burn, causing him to stir a little. Mark saw this and started to worry.
"What are you doing! You're hurting him!" He yelled.
"Mark...calm down. I'm putting this on so it doesn't get infected and so it will heal sooner." Harris explained.
"Okay sorry." Mark said, rubbing his temples.
"Hey Mark. Why don't you go lay down on the X-deck for awhile." Spyder said.
"No! I'm not leaving him." Mark sternly replied. Harris sighed and continued bandaging up Ryan's wound.

Shortly after, Ryan woke up. Mark still hadn't left his side.
"Hey bro. How you feeling." Ryan tried to sit up but let out a hiss of pain and laid back down.
"Yea you're not gonna be able to do that yet" Mark said.
"I'm okay. Just a little burn I'll be fine." Ryan said. He didn't really care about his injuries too much. "Did Harris figure out why the weapon did that? When are we testing it again?"
"Are you kidding me! You almost died and you want to try it again!" Mark yelled. He was angry that Ryan didn't care about his well being.
"Woah Mark, calm down it's o-" he was cut off by Mark
"Calm down! CALM DOWN! You almost died!" Mark yelled.
"But I didn't and the wea-" he was cut off once more.
"You don't get it do you!?" Mark screamed.
"Get what?" Ryan asked genuinely confused.
"The fact that I'm your older brother! And I'm supposed to keep you safe. Do you know how hard it is for me to watch you put your life on the line every single day and get hurt all the time! I can't lose you Ryan... you're my little brother... if I lost you... I would never forgive myself".
Ryan was speechless. He never knew Mark cared that much.
"Oh Mark..." Ryan started. But then Mark ran out of the room and left the robot blowing by Spyder and Harris.
"Mark!" Ryan yelled. It was no use. He was gone.
"Ryan! Is everything okay? What happened to Mark?" Harris asked.
"I'm okay, but Mark he just said all this sentimental stuff that Mark never says and then he ran off!" Ryan answered. He tried to get up. He needed to find him. But he was in too much pain, he whimpered and laid back down.
"I can't get up. Spyder can you go to my house and see if he's there?"
"Of course. I'll alert you on the mech link when I get there."

Spyder was headed over to the Walker household. He walked in to see Grace Walker sitting in the living room watching TV.
"Hey Mrs. Walker"
"Hello Spyder. Ryan's not here actually." She answered.
"I was actually looking for Mark." Spyder said.
"Oh! He's upstairs in his room. He just went in there a few minutes ago. Do you know where Ryan is?"
"Yes. He's with Harris thanks mrs Walker!" He said while running up the stairs. He knocked on the door.
"I told you I don't wanna talk about it mom" Mark yelled from inside.
"Not your mom and I'm coming in anyways." Spyder answered.
"What are you doing here Splicer?"
"Okay one, I know you just did that to annoy me. And two, what happened man?"
"Just leave me alone." Mark said turning back around. Spyder didn't leave.
"Mark. What did you say to Ryan."
"Ugh Fine! I told him how scared I get whenever he is in mechx4. And that I worry because I'm his big brother and I need to protect him." Mark explained.
"Hey dude trust me I get it. In a different way, but I get it." Spyder added.
"What do you mean?" Mark asked.
"Well, Ryan and Harris are my best friends. I'm in charge of the weapons in the robot. If mess up, that causes Ryan pain and I hate seeing my best friend in pain. He trusts me for some reason and I'm always afraid that I'll let him down." Spyder says.
"Wow Spyder, I never knew you thought like that." Mark said shocked.
"I may not be a genius, but I'm smart enough to know how much danger and pain I can cause Ryan if I mess up." Spyder adds. "Come on, let's go see Ryan."

Once Mark and Harris were back at the mech they went into the med bay where Ryan was still laying.
"Mark! You're back!"
Spyder took Harris out of the room. Mark sat down next to Ryan.
"I'm sorry Ryan." Mark said.
"Why are you sorry! I should be the one who's sorry, I never knew you thought about that and I should have done something to reassure you everything would be alright." Ryan said.
"Love you bro." Mark said.
"You too bro." Ryan added. The boys hugged and said at the same time:

Awww what a cute story right! I don't do a lot of sentimental stuff, but I feel like most fanfics of this series are based on Ryan's feelings and not those of the team. Anyways this was a pretty long oneshot for me. It was 1500 words or so. Thx for reading and I'll see you in the next one!

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