Techno Switch Part 1

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Ryan had just returned from the village where he discovered all of the people allergic to technology. He was explaining to his team what had happened, when something horrible happens...


"Wait so some crazy chic held your birth parents hostage in an attempt to get you to cure a bunch of sick people, even though doing it could have been killing you?" Spyder summed up.
"Pretty much." Ryan nodded.
Mark let out a low whistle.
"Damn." Harris said.

Ryan coughed just like he had when he was back at the village.
"You good Ry?" Mark asked.
Ryan nodded but began to cough some more.
"Ryan you were coughing a lot at the village too." Leo said.
"I- *cough* - I'm fine." Ryan tried.

Leo walked up and pressed his hand to Ryan's forehead.
"Oh my god Ryan! You're burning up!" Leo said.
Ryan began to sway a little, Mark grabbed him.
"Woah there Ry."
"S-sorry, just d-dizzy." Ryan mumbled.

"Harris get the medbay ready. Mark, Spyder, get Ryan over there." Leo ordered seriously.
Harris ran out.
"Leo is everything alright."
"I-I don't know... the symptoms Ryan is showing.... I-I..... I need to test him." Leo said as he ran to his lab. Mark and Spyder helped Ryan over to the medbay.

"Okay guys just set him down on the bed." Harris said.
Mark and Spyder nodded and Ryan laid down on the bed.
Leo also came running back in.
"L-Leo, w-what's wrong with m-me?" Ryan asked. He was shivering now.
"I don't know for sure Ryan, I just need to run a quick scan on your blood and your head." Leo said.

Ryan nodded and Leo took a blood sample from his arm and set up the head scan.
"Okay I'll be back to read the scans after I test your blood." Leo explained and walked out.

"Don't worry Ry, I'm sure everything is fine." Mark said.
"I-I hope so... I started feeling r-really weird after curing m-my birth m-mom." Ryan said.
The boys exchanged nervous glances.
"Well we'll just have to wait for Leo to come back with the results." Harris said reassuringly.
Ryan nodded and drifted off to sleep.

Leo came back awhile later with the results of the blood test and head scans. He walked in the medbay to see a paler looking Ryan sleeping on the bed and three worried boys around him.

They shot up when they saw Leo.
"Come out here with me." Leo whispered.
The boys followed him out of the medbay.
"What is it Leo? Is Ryan alright?" Spyder asked.

Leo sighed and shook his head.
"No. When Ryan was curing the sickness from the villagers, his technopathic cells and human cells mixed with the disease and now Ryan has some sort of sickness that is slowly killing all of his human cells."

"Wait so what does that mean?" Mark asked.
"Yea is Ryan gonna be alright?" Spyder asked.
"You can make a cute right?" Harris asked.

"I'm so sorry guys. Once the sickness kills all of his human cells, his body won't be able to handle the imbalance and it will shut down." Leo tried to explain.

"W-what are you saying?" Mark asked.

"I'm so sorry, but Ryan is going to die." Leo finished. 

"No. No. That's not possible!" Mark shouted.
"Leo please. There has to be something you can do." Harris pleaded.
Spyder was too stunned to speak.
"I'm so sorry. There is nothing I can do. All we can do for Ryan now is to spend time with him and make him feel comfortable in his last few hours." Leo said sadly.

"No.... but-" Mark started.
"Mark. There is nothing we can do. I know how short notice this is, but right now you need to accept it and go be with your little brother. He needs you now." Leo said.
Mark nodded and they all walked into Ryan's room.

"H-Hi Guys." Ryan squeaked out.
The guys gave him a sad smile.
"What- what's w-wrong?" He asked.

"Ryan, there is no easy way to explain this, but when you were curing people, the sickness came into contact with your human cells and is slowly killing them all. You have no more than a few hours left. I'm sorry." Leo said.

Ryan was silent.

"Ryan?" Mark asked.

"I should have figured th-that out when I realized that I can't move a-anything below my neck a-anymore." Ryan said quietly.

"That's too he expected, but that means your cells are dying quicker than I thought." Leo said sadly.

Ryan nodded and looked at his brother and friends.
"Thank you all, for everything. You guys have stuck with me through everything and I couldn't have asked for a better family than you all. I'm gonna miss you all so much, but I know you'll be okay." Ryan said with a weak smile.

"Oh Ryan... we're gonna miss you too." Spyder said, and they all walked over and gave Ryan a hug.

"Do you guys mind if I talk to Mark alone for a minute?" Ryan asked.

The two boys and scientist nodded as they left the room, figuring that this would be the last time they saw Ryan alive.

"Oh Ryan... I'm so so-" Mark started. Ryan cut him off.
"No. I need to tell you something." Ryan said.
Mark was surprised by the change of tone in his brother.
"Mark, I don't have long left, maybe a few minutes now, but someone needs to stop the monsters now that I can't." Ryan said.
"Ryan please-" Mark started but was cut off once again.
"I didn't know that I could do this, but you're the only person I trust to give this power to." Ryan said.

Ryan concentrated his mind and then collapsed on the bed.
"T-there. F-finish the f-fight for me Mark." Ryan said.

Mark was overcome with a flow of power. He realized what had happened and looked at his brother.
"Thank you." He said.
"Goodbye Mark." Ryan smiled.

Ryan's eyes slid shut and Mark cried for awhile before gaining himself again.
"Goodbye Ryan." He whispered to the sky.


Mark left the medbay and went to find the team.
"How is he?" Harris asked standing up.
"He's.... gone...." Mark said sadly. 

The team cried together for hours before Mark spoke up.
"Ryan gave me something before he died."
"What did he give?" Spyder asked.

"He gave me his powers."...

Wow! Done part one of this two or three shot. This was such a random and weird idea but whatever. Oh and yeah I'm writing my closing message in bold now. Anyways thx for reading and stay tuned for part two!

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