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Story starts with the Maheshwari family celebrating holika puja. The Puja begin, Swara and Sanskar do the puja together. Sanskar asks Laksh to come and do the puja.

He does puja alone. Swara asks Ragini to go and do the puja. Ragini holds the plate while Laksh is doing puja.They shares painfull eyelock. Laksh goes back. Ragini do the puja alone.

kavya comes there as an old lady and takes aarti plate from Pandit ji's hands

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kavya comes there as an old lady and takes aarti plate from Pandit ji's hands. She gives aarti to Ragini.Kavya sees Laksh standing far and takes out a tablet which she puts in aarti plate.

She goes to Laksh and asks him to take aarti. Laksh takes aarti.

Laksh feels dizzy and faints

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Laksh feels dizzy and faints.

Ragini sees Laksh with an old lady and gets doubtful

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Ragini sees Laksh with an old lady and gets doubtful. She follows them and sees old lady taking Laksh in her car.

She gets shocked to see Kavya in old woman get up as she throws her wig

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She gets shocked to see Kavya in old woman get up as she throws her wig.

Ragini shouts :Laksh...........

She calls Swara, but she doesn't pick the call. Ragini takes a taxi and asks driver to follow the car.

Swara sees Ragini's missed calls. She searches for her and calls her. Ragini informs her about Laksh's kidnapping. Swara is shock.Kavya takes Laksh to temple.Ragini come there and looks for Laksh. she spots them near the river on the bridge.

Laksh gains consciousness, but is still drowsy.Kavya tries push him river.

Ragini shout: laksh....
and runs toward them and push kavya aside.

Ragini calls :Laksh...are you okay?Don't worry..nothing will happens to will be fine....

Laksh realizes his mistakes and tries to ask apologizes to Ragini.but He was not completely conscious.

Kavya : you can't save Laksh, he has to die......

She is about to stab Laksh with rod, but Ragini comes inbetween and start fights with her.

Swara and sanskar reach there with police.

Swasan :(shout) laksh...

and they run toward laksh.ragini is still fighting with kavya.before police arrest kavya she attack Ragini with rod.ragini falls unconscious.

Laksh shout : Ragini...

Swasanlak runs toward her.both families come there and is shocked to see Ragini falling in river. Laksh tried to catch her hand,but she falls in river.and her dupatta was left in his hand....

Police comes there and arrest Kavya. Kavya says : I will not leave you all.

Swara cries. Laksh is shocked and reminisces ragini unconditional love for him and jumps in the river to save her. Everyone is shocked.Laksh searches for Ragini in the water.

Sanskar asks him to come back and asks if you have gone mad.

Inspector comes and says : we got Ragini's ring.

Laksh recalls making ragini wear it on their engagement and breaks down tearfully. Swara hugs Shekhar and cries.

Inspector says : river is flowing high, we didn't get her body

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Inspector says : river is flowing high, we didn't get her body.
Laksh faints.

They all shout : Laksh

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They all shout : Laksh....

Inspector says : I will call ambulance.

To be continued...

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