what is love for you..?

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Next day start with lots of work..men took a leave from work and help women..everyone were busy in arrangement for party..in between that laksh doesn't leave any chance to admire his ragini and make her away from ratan...ratan tried his best to come close but laksh is laksh,how can he allow him to come to his baccha...

Till afternoon they had complete all the arrangements only last touch up was left so they decided to do that after little rest.Elders went to their room,uttara was tired so she too left for her room only swasan dira and laksh were left they were not in mood for rest so they decided to enjoy the weather so come to tarrace with snacks and start enjoying..

They start talking rendemly about this and that suddenly ratan asked to swasan
Ratan : do you guys really love each other...?
Swasan : of course...(they said by looking lovingly eachother)
Ratan : awww..how sweet...btw what is love for you...?
Trio of them look them interestly for answer..

Sanskar look at swara and said..for me love is trust...Love is built on trust.. You can trust the person you love and are comfortable around them.If she really love you she will always trust you in any situation...she trust you so even if the whole world is againts you she will support you...you can give her yourself without thinking onces because you trust her...you love her...

Swara look her with moist eyes...they share a intense eyelock...

they share a intense eyelock

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Sanskar : i love you..
Swara : i love you too
Trio : aaawww...
Swasan come into reality and smile...

Sanskar : so ratan now you say what is love for you...
Ratan look at diya : its a friendship...Love means knowing that no matter what, you have someone to count on,your bestfriend... if you really love her then you have to be her bestfriend on whom she trust more than anything...if you are her bestfriend that means you are her love too..Love makes you feel grateful for this life...

Love makes you feel grateful for this life

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Swara : diya what do you think...
Diya saw her blankly then look at in space and said...

Diya : love is secrifice..it is the feeling for which you can secrifice anything...you will secrifice your love too for your loves happiness...when you love someone the happiness and betterment of the person you love is important than anything else.. It is when you pray ,his name comes in your mind and you wish everything good for them,pray for his all wishes come true even if you are not his wish..you never try to tie him in your love always make him free to take a fresh breath...you will secrifice your happiness your feeling for your love once...

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