diya weds ratan

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Laksh came in the hospital,come inside ragini's room and found her in between all the mf and gfs..she look at laksh,they share a intense eyelock,suddenly her eyes become teary...

Diya : where were you,do you know how much i was scared when i got consious and didn't found you infront of me. You know when i had accident i thought i loss you forever, i will never going to see you again. I miss you...

She forward her hand to him,he is about to move to hold her hand but....

Diya : i miss you..i missed you so much ratan..

Laksh become freezed while ratan who was standing behind him run toward her and hug her tightly,she start crying in his arms,he caresses her hairs and tries to calm her..

Ratan : ssshhh princess,calm down..i am here only..

But she didn't stop crying,,ap come to laksh who is still numb and touch his shoulder to make him come into reality,he look at ap with teary eyes,she shook her head and signal him not to cry.Ratan broke the hug and cupped her face..

Diya : where the hell were you went damn it,do you have any idea how much i was scared..
Ratan : calm down princess I went to bring surprise for you...
Diya : what surprise?

Before he give any answer someone open the door

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Before he give any answer someone open the door..
Voice : princess..
Diya look toward the door and her eyes become more teary..
Diya : mumma papaa..

Mira run toward diya and hug her tighly,maheshwaris and gododias become more shock,they both start crying in eachothers embrace,rohit too come and caressess her head,she broke the hug with mira and look him..

Diya : papaa...
and hug him,suddenly another voice came from the door..
Voice : won't our princess will hug us?

She look at them and get more surprise..
Diya : harshwardhan uncle padma aunty,when did you came from london,and why didn't you inform me..
Harshwardhan : why would we informed you,we came here to give a surprise to our would be DIL,but before that she gave us shock..

Her expression get changed on 'would be DIL',her face become reddish,she held down her head,they smile thinking that she is shy but laksh felt something fishy her face wasn't red because of shy but he don't know what for. suddenly she look at him, they share a painful eyelock,Its hurt him in his heart,after some seconds she fake smile and look at her parent..

Diya : mumma papaa,don't you wanna to meet maheshwaries..?

They nodd with smile, diya introduce them with everyone they meet everyone with wholeheartly while maheshwaries and gadodias with heavyheart with fake smile...

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