final shot

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Laksh was in his room crying holding raginis pic suddenly his phone start ringing..he look at phone and found unknown no.

Laksh : hello...
Voice : hello laksh baby....
Laksh eyes widen in shock. Soon anger take place on his mind and roared...

Laksh : how the f**k you came out of jail..why are you calling me...
He heared a loud laugh from other side which boil his blood more...

He shout : KAVYA...
kavya : ohh sweet you still recognize me just with my voice...
Laksh : just shut up and don't dare again to come infront of me in my life...
Kavya : don't worry i won't ever come again infront of you because i am going to take your life away...
Laksh : what the hell do you mean...
Kavya : i have a surprise for you..

Saying this she cuts the call whitout letting him say further..laksh was confused by her talks but somewhere he felt something is wrong..just then he got the video call from the same number, first he thought to cut the call without giving answer but his six sense was alerting him, he attend the call , his anger reach to peak seeing kavya infront of him, she was sitting on chair in some old dark room , there was a bulb behind of her which was not working properly , again and again the bulb getting on and off making the climate more creepy.. but without giving heed to bulb kavya was sitting with smirk..

 but without giving heed to bulb kavya was sitting with smirk

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Laksh : why the hell you call me...
Kavya : chill chill laksh baby , right now you are not in position to shout at me...

Laksh give her questioning look , she laugh evily which irked him alot , he thought that she is just playing a silly game to scared him , he was about to cut the call when she turned the camera to other side , laksh eyes become widen in shock and fear to see scared ragini infront of him,

Laksh give her questioning look , she laugh evily which irked him alot , he thought that she is just playing a silly game to scared him , he was about to cut the call when she turned the camera to other side , laksh eyes become widen in shock and ...

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she was sitting on the on the floor her hand and legs were tied with ropes , she was trying hard to get free but that didn't work, they both look eachother emotionally , tears start rolling down from boths eyes...his heart start beating in his ears , he feel someone taking his life out of his body...his body start shivering , he wanted to shout at kavya , wanted to kill her but his voice stuck in his throat , his body was not ready to response him , he just stare his scared life infront but far from him...

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