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Diya and swara are making ap ready for party...swara making her wear a jewelleries while diya doing her makeup...ap tried to stop them many time but they both are so stubborn to listen her..they stop only when she became ready..ap took a deep breath in relief...

Diya : atlast now its done...
Ap : thank god now you both go fast and get ready,party will be start soon...
Swara : ji badi maa...
Diya : come swara..i will make you ready....
But ap stop her...
Ap : what about you..she will be ready at her too go and get ready...
Diya : but maa,i am already ready...
Ap and swara look her from up to bottom...

She was truely looking heavenly beautiful but something was there which make them sad

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She was truely looking heavenly beautiful but something was there which make them sad...ap smile sadly..
Ap : ok then...

Diya too feel her sadness but she was helpless,she smile back and take swara with her in her room and do her makeup and make her wearing jewelleries with little masti...

Diya too feel her sadness but she was helpless,she smile back and take swara with her in her room and do her makeup and make her wearing jewelleries with little masti

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they both are having fun when sanlak come inside and get mesmerised by their beautiful partners...

Sanskar looking at swara without blinking while swara tries to control her blushes...diya too felt laksh gaze on her but tried to ignore him for that she concerntrate on swasan...
She cough fakely to make trio of them to come in reality and it works..they come in sense and smile embarrassedly...she totally ignore laksh just to hide her blush and tease swasan...

Diya : come on guys you can continue your romance in night at your room..but right now we have to go please control your feelings for sometimes...
Swara shout with red cheeks : diya...

And four of them laugh..they come down and took blessing from elder and congratulate ap n dp,diya feels ap's sad expression whenever she look at diya,she know that why ap is sad but still she can't do what she want from her...

Gododia family was there too...diya already had bad experience with them on her first day...she asked forgiveness from them for her behaviour and took blessings from them too...

Ratan : ufff princess are you planning to kill someone by your beauty..
Ratan tease her while she glare him first then laugh..
Diya : how cheesy...
Ratan look her with pout she again laugh and someone get burn in jealousy because of their clossness...none other then laksh...

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