truth out

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After party when laksh go to his room he felt someones presence there and get shock to see the person sitting on sofa in dark..

Laksh : what are you doinge here at this time...
Person : we need to talk..
Laksh : i had told you that we will talk tommorrow..right now i am really tired i need a rest...

Laksh tried to ignore the him but he come in front of him,he is none other than ratan,he hold his collar and roared in anger.

Ratan : mr. Laksh Maheshwari if you think that you will make me fool by your fake excuses then you are wrong.Tell me damn it who the hell are you and what is relation between you two and why the hell my diya's photos were there...

'My diya' this made laksh hell angry,how can anybody call his ragini their,he push him back and shout...

Laksh : she is not your diya,she is my ragini and those pictures are not yours diya's but my ragini's...

Ratan was not shock by his statement indeed he was waiting for these kind of reaction only.They give a deathly glare each other remember the incident happened before party...

Flash back :
laksh found diya with flower basket,she was behaving asusual nothing was wrong in her behaviour, he was hell shock how could she didn't found anything unusual in the store wasn't like that she didn't knew anything about ragini,but she always felt uneasy after watching anything related to ragini,but now she was okay,laksh felt something fishy.

After little chitchat with her, he went to the store room,the store room was full in dark,he press the light button the room become bright,he found all the pictures were there only where he placed them, the difference was only that there was a person looking at the pictures of ragini showing his back to laksh.

The person turned back and he is none other than ratan,his eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard.

The person turned back and he is none other than ratan,his eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard

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laksh took a deep breath,he understood that there is no chance to hide anything...

Laksh : what are you doing here,How did you reached here..

Ratan : i heard your talk with swara and sanskar,that was about diya therefore i didn't took anychance,her safety is more important than anything else...
His voice was as cold as his eyes..

Laksh : thank you for handling the situation..
Ratan : you don't need to say thanks i didn't do anything for you it was all for 'my diya'..

Laksh hold his fist to control his anger, how could he say his ragini to his diya but that was not the right time to show anger..

Ratan : now can you tell me what is all these,why the hell do you have these much pictures of diya..

Laksh : i will tell you,but this is not a right time,we will talk about this tomorrow,right now i should have to be present in the party..

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