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Laksh open the door of his room with uncontrollable heartbeat..he peep inside and found whole room is decorate with flowers and candles..in the middle of the bed she was sitting, making climate more romantic, wearing maroon beautiful sharara, hiding her face in veil, wrapping her hands around her knees,her chest rose and fell with rapid breaths in nervousness...she is looking breathtakingly beautiful, he couldn't even take off his eyes from her..

Laksh smile, it is their wedding night, few hours ago, once again ragini come to mandap wearing bridal gown for him, to be his soulmate,his betterhalf, but this time not with any betrayal, any cheat or with hate, this time both come with whole heartly.. to love eachother, to grow old together, to die together... once again ragini becomes laksh's and laksh ragini's...

Laksh look at ragini who held her head down with crimson red face... she was twisting the wedding ring on her finger... his eyes sparked with love and slowly come toward her..and sit infront of her.. she is still looking down with reddened face but she can feel his gaze on her...

He felt himself losing in her beauty, he cupped her face with hands suddenly he felt current passing through his body..he jerk himself back and jumped to his feet, he let out a harsh breath, because that current was not because of her beauty but that was actual current..

she guffawed,wrapped her curl around her finger tucked hair behind her ear while look him with smirk...he is still confused...

Laksh : what was that bacchaa..

her eyes twinkled, she slowly forward her hand and show him one small tool...laksh eyes become widen in shock...

Laksh : what..electric shock pen...you actually gave me current with this...

Laksh look her in disbelief while ragini nodd her head with proud...
Ragini : ofcourse.. what do you think haa..? You will get me this much easily...do you have any idea how much i had suffer for your love..

Laksh : but bachha now i accepted you na..full heartly, and now i loves you so much...

He said while making puppy face and tried to come closer but she rolled her eyes, and show electric shock tool to stop him..

Ragini : no. Mr Maheshwari, you don't... i win your love with my passion... otherwise you were ready to kick me out, and even you did...( something stab in laksh heart, again guilt overcome him,but on other side she was continue without giving heed to his emotions) but now you loves me... so you have to win my love...you can touch me,hug me, kiss me only when you prove your love, till then...( she throw pillow on him) your bed is that couch...

His jaw dropped..he look her in disbelief, but she is looking him with serious eyes, his forehead furrowed, and blaber...

Laksh : how did you forget laksh...she is no more that innocent ragini...she is now mixture of ragini and diya, she can't let you live in peace beta..yor are death now....

Ragini raised her brow...
Ragini :did you said something...
Laksh : no..nothing...bachha i waa thinking that all these ideas are not seems like not coming from your mind, then who gave you all these brilliant ideas...?

Ragini : ofcourse, these are all ratans ideas, he told me everything then i feel he was right you don't deserve me easily...

Laksh think : i knew it, this all were his ideas only,ratan..i will kill you idiot,as soon as i found you...

his jaw clenched, but plastered smile on his face while his hands tightened into fists...ragini point toward couch ,he went to couch with dulled face while ragini gives a mischeif chuckle,suddenly he turned around and come closer to her..his face was inch far from her, she can feel his hot breath on her face, he slowly move forward, she closed her eyes in nervousness, but opened them after some time when she didn't feel anything on her face and found him standing straight holding duvet in his hands with smirk..ragini look him with shock..

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