part 6

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In afternoon

Everyone sitting on the dining table as they all are at home because of morning scene.all ladies set the table..

Sujata : all done jiji...we made all of her favorite food,she will definitely remember something after tasting these food..
All smile..
Ap : hope so..btw where is she,why didn't she came?swara,call ragini for lunch..
Swara was about to go..

Laksh : mom..right now she is not ragini..she is diya,please don't call her ragini in front of her...
Ap : sorry beta,but onward i will take care about it...
Laksh (smile) : thank you maa.
Ap caresses his hairs with teary eyes.
Swara : i'll bring her now..

She left and went to the diya room but stand numb in front of her door.diya was singing and dancing on one leg with her teddybear.

diya was singing and dancing on one leg with her teddybear

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a smile appear on her face,she slowly knock the door.

Diya : come in..
Swara : you are feeling comfertable here?
Diya smile and nodd.
Swara : ok now its time for lunch, first you eat then take some rest...
Diya hasitates..
Diya : mm..swara..its ok..i will eat in hotel...i don't wanna to be a burden on you..

Swara pout and show her anger.
Swara : we thought you forgive us and think us as your family...but no we were don't consider as your family...
Diya : no swara..its not like that..i am really thankful to you guys but..
Swara : no but watt...if you are really thankful to us so you have to be as a member of the family..

Diya smile and agree.swara helps her to come down and takes her to the dining table.

swara helps her to come down and takes her to the dining table

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everyone else are already present there.Diya come and sit beside laksh on ragini's place unknowingly.everyone amazed and become happy.she looks at food and shout excietmently..

Diya : oh woww..these are all my favourite food.
Sujji : we know chori,thats why we made these...
Everyone stares her,she bites her tongue after realising what she said,diya get confused..

Diya : but how you know..?
Ap : she means we made those things which we thought you may stop talking and eat..
Ap divert her mind,she smile and fill her plate with food,she was about to start eating but she feel laksh gaze on her,she look at him while he is looking at her plate with shock face...

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