First Meeting

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In Mumbai

Rohit and mira are not ready for sending her to kolkata,but they lost because they can't see her crying and She knew it very well.

That why when they tried to stop her from going kolkata she start crying and emotionally blackmail them, and it works, they allows her.

Now the times come when diya have to go kolkata.

Now the times come when diya have to go kolkata

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They came to the airport with her.They are really scared as they feel something is not good.but diya is really happy as her dream is about to come true...

Its the announcement for her flight.its time for her to go.diya hugs both of them.they kiss her on cheeks.its the time for her to get upset because it is first time she is going somewhere without her parents.

Mira : take care of yourself princess. Don't talk with stranger..don't believe everyone easily...
Diya (crying) : mumma i will miss you.

And hug her...rohit knows very well what is bothering her...he caresses diya's hair she broke the hug with mira and hug him.

Rohit : princess believe in your inner voice...just do what its will always help you to take right decision...and don't forget mummy daddy really love you alot...

Diya : i love you too alot...

Rohit : Now go, you are getting late..

Diya : bye mom dad..
Mi-ro : bye princess take care..

She hug both of them for last time.and went inside the airport.

Mira : Rohit will she really come back to us

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Mira : Rohit will she really come back to us..
Rohit : she will, because she our daughter..and we really loves her
Both sadly smile,went from there...

In swasan room

Swara is standing in balcony.she is lost somewhere.sanskar comes in the room for some file, he saw her standing in balcony.
he calls her but she didn't reply.he comes toward her and backhugged her.swara get shocked.after realising he is sanskar, she get calm.

Swara : You didn't go to office?Sanskar :I came for my file

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Swara : You didn't go to office?
Sanskar :I came for my file..but what happen to you.. why you are so upset..

he broke the hug and turn her toward himself..

Swara : i am feeling bad for laksh..It's been two years...but he still believe that ragini is alive.every time his believe make me realise that i lost my sister.I couldn't protect her.

Swara start crying.sanskar hug her and gently caresses her back.

Sanskar : it's ok swara.please calm down..everything will be fine...

Her flight lands.Now she is in kolkata.she feels really glad,but then she remembers that she has no place to stay.and get tense.

Flash back :

In mumbai
Diya is searching online hotel to stay in kolkata, but it is vacations time therefore all the hotels are full already.

Mira : Princess have you booked the room for you stay?

Diya (in mind voice) : mumma is already not happy with my decision.if i tell her that i can't find any hotel then she will not let me go i can't afford this...

Mira : what happen baby..where are you lost..?

Diya : aa..haa...nothing mumma..yeah i have already found the don't worry...

Flash back end.

Diya makes crying face.

Diya : What should I do now...Where should i go....mummy daddy i miss you already...

She is standing on the road with her luggage.she has a guitar on her shoulder.

Diya was about to take taxi suddenly a car takes a wrong turn and hits her.She falls down.luckily the driver stops the car on right time.therefore she is not injurd much.

Laksh is driving the car for going to office.he is still thinking about ragini.he can't stop himself from thinking about her.

suddenly a child comes from somewhere in front of his car

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suddenly a child comes from somewhere in front of his car.just to save that boy he takes a right turn and....boom......he hits the break.

He get shock.after some time he realised what he had done.he get out of the car and sees that a girl is sitting on the road, facing opposite side. he relieved because she is not much injurd.There is a guitar on her shoulder.therefore he can't able to sees her properly.

Laksh : are you okay...?

diya goes hell angry after listining him.

Diya : what okay..? Are you hits me damn it.. i can't able to stand...and you are asking me am i okay or not?

Diya turns toward him and looks at him with anger,tears are rolling down her cheeks, laksh becomes numb...

Laksh : Ragini......

To be continued...

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