picnic part - 3

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His anger reaches in peak when he saw some guys misbehaving with ragini,but before he take any action someone punch that guy very bad,who tried to touch her..laksh get shock..

Person : how dare you to touch me...

Yes she was none other than ragini..the other goon try to slap her but she kick on his main part..he fall down by a pain..she start fighting with everyone..laksh was too numb to react anything,he just stare her unbelievingly...

laksh was too numb to react anything,he just stare her unbelievingly

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he think : how many more shades you have...i am eagerly waiting to see all...

reality strikes him when one guy tries to attack her with rod from behind..laksh hold that rod in middle of air and kick that goon on stomach and show him blue and black..they both fight with those goons but soon other goons also join them and it become difficult for them to fight with them alone..

when the situation start going out of control laksh hold ragini's hand and run from there,those goons also follow them they both run without giving heed to road...after sometimes they stop to take a breath and conform that no one is following them but soon realise they are in the middle of the jungle..they look eachother with tense..

Laksh : now..?
Diya : now what..?
Laksh : i don't know..we should keep walking...we cant stop in the jungle...

Diya nodd..and they start walking again..soon diya forget about the situation and start enjoying nature while laksh is thinking how to reaches save at home...they walk for some hours suddenly diya stop and sit on the rock..

Diya : i can't walk more...
Laksh : but we can't stay here its Dangerous..may be any animal attack on us..

Diya : i don't care..i am hungry...i can't walk anymore..i want food right now..
Laksh : but bachha,how can we get food here?
Diya : i don't know,but i will not walk anymore,if you want you can go alone..

Laksh : but bachha,how can we get food here?Diya : i don't know,but i will not walk anymore,if you want you can go alone

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She pout,fold her hand near her chest and turn from his side..but after some second she realise he didn't utter a word,her heart skip a beat she turn again and shock to see he is no where..her heart start beating fast due to fear..

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