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About Cass and May:

Cass is a very energetic girl that is always happy and pulling pranks on everyone.
She loves Pop punk and her fav bands are Neck Deep, Roam and Blink 182. She is definetly not scared to sing their songs at the top of her lungs.
She loves to wear jeans and big T-shirts and always wears sneakers.
She has got long brown hair and big brown eyes.

May doesn't talk much and she doesn't go outside a lot, she prefers sitting at home watching vids on youtube, but she is always happy to go explore new things.
Just like Cass she LOVES pop punk, especially Roam, Toy Dolls and Sum41, but she adores Lil peep and other bands like Bring me the Horizon or Asking Alexandria.
She may look a little bit emo but she isn't THAT emo.
She has got long pink and black hair and usually you can find her wearing oversized clothes or big T-shirts or sweaters with shorts and high white socks. She has beautiful big blue eyes.

The actual story begins now lmao.

A few days ago, Mayra and her friend Cass moved to LA, the place where they always wanted to live.
When they were still living in Spain, Cass used to talk via Skype with a guy named Colby. Cass and him became good friends and when Cass told Colby that she was moving to LA with Mayra he got very exited.

Cass's POV

"I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET COLBY IN REAL LIFE" I said to Mayra with a high pitched voice and a smile from ear to ear.
"Jesus Christ Cass, calm down" Mayra said very akwardly.
"I MEAN COME ON MAY, HE LIVES IN A GIANT MANSION WITH OTHER ROOMMATES AND DOGS AND STUFF" I said nearly running out of breath. I mean, I couldn't be any happier, I was finally going to meet the guy that became my internet friend during the last year.
"Well, take a deep breath and calm down a bit, don't be so nervous" May replied with a calm voice. She has been my best friend since freshman year in highschool, she is an amazing friend.
"Ok, I can do this" I said to myself as we were getting closer to the mansion where Colby lives.

Mayra's POV

Cass was excited as fuck, I haven't seen her this excited since we went to the Neck Deep concert a few years ago and I mean, she has a crush on Dani, the drummer of Neck Deep, so when she met him she nearly fainted.

"MAY WE ARE HERE, WE ARE HEEEEEEERE!!!!!" Said Cass. She literally couldn't stop screaming with the high pitched voice she gets everytime she gets excited.
We parked our car infront of their gate and Cass called Colby so he could open the door and stuff like that.

Colby opened the door and Cass flew into his arms, she couldn' t stop hugging him, she was extremely happy.
I introduced myself to Colby and he gave us a quick tour around the mansion.

"This is the room where we have our xbox and other gaming shit, we sit here a lot. This right here is the kitchen and that guy over there is Aaron" Colby said to us.

Aaron was a very tall guy with a cute smile, he was adorable. He seemed like a guy you can have fun with.
Cass and I introduced ourselfs and we continued with the tour.
We went upstairs, to the second floor. We saw a giant door right in front of us, and a guy with a man bun came out yelling.
"WELCOME TO THE BEST HOUSE EVAHHHH!" Yelled the guy with the man bun. Colby started laughing and soon a girl walked out of the same room as mr. Man bun.

"Cass, May, this is Corey and his girlfriend Devyn" Colby introduced us. It seemed like Devyn was a nice girl, and I absolutely loved her make up, I would love to learn something from her.

We went through a small corridor and we arrived to two doors, Sam and Colby's room.

At the other side of the house there was Aaron's room, an office and another room. Colby knocked on the door and a very sweet voice replied with "come in".

"Girls, this is Jake. Jake this is Cass and her best friend Mayra, they just moved to LA a few days ago" Colby said.

Jake was honestly extremely cute, his blue and pink hair was amazing and I loved the way he was dressed. His eyes were so mysterious, and i loved it. And his smile. His. Smile. It was the most beautiful smile i had ever seen in my entire life.


Well this is my first book :)
The chapter is a little bit short but i will make them longer every time.

~He is perfect~ //Jake Webber//Where stories live. Discover now