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May's pov

New day, new me. Time to go fix things.
I woke up at around 8:45 am, I stood up from my bed that I associated with heaven and walked up to my closet to get some clothes for the day. It was a Monday, so no one wanted to live anymore at this point but I still needed to go to work.
I put on my clothes and did my makeup and hair. Before going downstairs, a took a quick picture in the mirror.

I uploaded the picture to my instagram story and went to the kitchen to make breakfast

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I uploaded the picture to my instagram story and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.
"Gooooood Mythical Morning May!" Cass shouted as soon as she saw me walking in.
"You really need to calm your balls" I said in between laughter.

"So, what are your plans for today hun?"

"I'm going to work. We have a big project scheduled for today, there's this guy that wants an entire sleeve in 4 sessions, so thats gonna be a pain in the ass. After that I will go over to the Trap house, I need to fix things with Jake"

"Why do you have such an interesting life? The only thing I do all day Is watch Netflix" Cass concluded.

"That's not my fault, you should probably get a job" I shoved the last piece of waffle in my mouth. "Imma leave now, bye"
I grabbed my bag an walked out the door towards my car and headed to work.


I walked out completely exhausted from work, but reminded myself that I had to go to the Trap House.
I knocked on the giant door, waiting for a response, all the cars were parked in front of the house, so everyone had to be home.
Finally the door opened. Colby's figure appeared.

"Hey May! What brings you here? I thought you broke up with Jake"
I walked inside and Colby closed the door behind me.

"Well, I'm here to talk to Jake. I miss him" I stared down at the floor.

"Well, Jake's not home, only I am" he came closer to me. "Devyn and Corey are in Florida, Aaron's at the gym and Sam is out with Kat...And well, Jake, I don't fucking now where he is"
Colby came even closer with a smirk on his face. I backed out but he came so close that I could feel his warm breath on my cheeks.

"C-could you please s-stop"

"Why would i stop now babe? We're alone and we're both single"
He came closer to my ear. "I swear you will have a good time" He whispered in my ear. I smiled.
His deep soft voice calmed me down, made me feel comfortable.
I looked him in the eyes and he leaned in, connecting our lips for a passionate kiss, a complete euphoric moment. He was so gentle, trying not to scare me.
" I've been dying to do this since the day I met you" He smiled.
I turned red instantly, I thought it was very sweet of him.

"So, what do you think?"
I smiled at him and leaned in to connect our lips again, this time, the kiss became more heated.
He pulled back and grabbed my wrist, leading me upstairs, to his room. He sat me down on his bed.

"I'll be right back" Colby walked out of his room to go check the house, and make sure no one was home.

"Coast is clear!" He said walking back to me. He closed his door and sat down next to me.
He gently pushed me down on his bed with him hovering on top of my body.
He connected our lips once again and we started making out.
Everything happened so fast. I was really nervous but excited at the same time.
"Are you sure about this? " he whispered. I nodded.
It got heated very quickly and we both got undressed.
We started pleasing eachother orally until Colby decided it was time.
He lined up with me and inserted his member. He increased the speed and started kissing my neck, finding my sweet spot and leaving a hickey.
We both finally climaxed and Colby flopped down next to me.

"Honestly, that was amazing" I said out of breath.

"It sure was" He smiled and gave me a kiss on my forehead.
He stood up and walked over to his closet, pulling out a maroon hoodie and getting dressed in grey sweatpants and deciding not to wear a shirt.
I sat up on the bed, covering my breasts with his covers since I was really insecure about myself.

"Why do you cover up babe" He laughed "I just saw you naked"

"I'm just insecure ok" I smiled.
He tossed me his maroon hoddie and my panties. "Thanks"

"No problem" He walked back over to the bed and layed down next to me, covering us with the bed sheets. I layed my head on his chest.

"So, why did Jake and you break up?" Great way to ruin amazing moments Colby. I let out a sigh.

"I told Jake I was going to the animal shelter to volunteer, but instead I went to a party at  my ex-crush's place. Clearly, Jake was invited as well. So, when I sat with my ex-crush in his room TALKING about things and looking at the stars, he walked in and clearly thought we were making out or something." I rolled my eyes.

" Why did you lie to Jake tho? " Colby looked confused because he knew I was a very honest person.

" Jake literally hates my ex-crush, so I didnt want to make him mad"

"Wait bu-" I cut him off.

"No more questions about Jake. I did nothing wrong, we broke up, period"

"Oh well, the past is the past" he sighed.
I heared the front door opening and Navi and Buddy were barking. I knew someone got home, but I didnt pay attention to it. I decided to not comment this to Colby.
We were both on our phones when Colby's bedroom door opened.

"Colby do you ha-" Aaron suddenly saw Colby and me laying together in bed. He was clearly confused, but he tried to ignore it, so he just walked away.  We both burst out in laughter, because we clearly thought Aaron's reaction was funny.
We calmed down.

"You can stay over if you want to" Colby said, probably because he noticed I was very tired.

"Thanks" I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I cringed so much writing the sex,
either way, I enjoyed writing this chapter.

Pls dont hate me

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