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May's pov

So Jake just said he has feelings for me and I don't fucking know what to do.
Like, how do people react in these situations? I've had a relationship once in my entire 19 years of existance, and that was when I was 15, so this smart ass over here doesn't know shit about relationships with guys. Shit.

There was an akward silence for about 5 min while my mind was fucking racing and solving all kind of math problems on how to deal with this shit.
Finally I decided to answer.

"Jake... I have been crushing on you since the day I met you, but I feel like I'm not good enough for you"

"Why would you think you aren't good enough for me? I'm a hot mess, that's for sure, and you are just... Perfect. Your long wavy hair, beautiful blue eyes... You are the nicest person I've met in my entire life"

"I'm not perfect at all Jake I am terr-" Jake cut me off mid sentence.

"Don't say that bullshit about yourself, I love you, just the way you are"

I stared at the ground for a while. He was just so fucking perfect.

"Look, I don't know if I am ready for a relationship with you, just give me some time to think... Is that ok with you?" I said. STILL. LOOKING. AT. THE. GROUND.
I have a serious problem, why am I so shy?

"SURE! No problem, take all the time you need" He smiled.

"Thanks" I said.
Jake bent over and gave me a kiss on my cheek. "Wanna come over to my place tonight?"

"Sure, why not" he said.

///At my apartment///

"CAsssSssSs" I yelled happily at the top of my lungs when I entered the apartment.

"SHHHHHHH SHUT UPPP, WE ARE WATCHING A MOVIE!" I heard Luna whine from the living room.

"Who is that?" Jake asked.

"Oh, don't worry, it's just Luna. Cass's girlfriend" I smiled at him

(A/N Cass is a lesbian and May is bisexual. Just to clarifyy bud)

"Oh ok, let's leave them alone then" Jake said laughing a bit.

We went to my room and sat on my bed.

"What do you wanna do señor Jake Webber?" I said laughing a lot.

"Whatever you wanna do señora Mayra Sánchez Costa" he answered with a big fokin smile.

"Don't say my full naaameeee" I whined.

Jake started tickeling me, and I started weezing.
Suddenly, NO ONE KNOWS HOW, dat boi was on top of me. It was a lil akward and weird. We both started blushing a lot.
He layed back down next to me on the bed and started snapchatting.
He filmed me looking through my CD's trying to find my "Hellboy" Cd.
I turned around and my zombie face was revealed.

"Noooouu Jakeyyy don't post that pleaseee"
He started laughing.

"Give me a kiss then" he said.

"WhyyyY" I stomped my feet on the ground like a 6 year old.

"You are so cute when you're mad"

Fuck you Jake, why are you so perfect.
I'm starting to like him a lot. Damn him.
Still though, I need some time to think. Until then I will have to try to survive a little.

Short af chapter my dudes, but I am tired and running out of ideas alredy.
Let me know if you want something to happen in the story.

~He is perfect~ //Jake Webber//Where stories live. Discover now