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... Jake was honestly extremely cute, his blue and pink hair was amazing and I loved the way he was dressed. His eyes were so mysterious, and i loved it. And his smile. His. Smile. It was the most beautiful smile i had ever seen in my entire life.

May's pov
I lowkey freaked out about the fact that he was so cute but I kept my feelings for myself.
The Guys and us decided to go out for dinner, and Cass and I would pay for it.
We arrived at tender greens and I was the first one to sit down because I was lazy af, but well, nerves kicked in when Jake sat down right next to me. I started blushing instantly when I looked at him, and clearly he noticed.
"Are you ok May? You look a little red" Colby said. I looked at him with the typical shut the fuck up or I will kill you face.
"Nah, I think she's fine, It's because Jake sat next to her" Cass said teasing me.
Both Jake and I blushed a little bit, but I tried not to focus to much on him since I probably wouldn't eat a lot.

Colby's Pov

After dinner we went back home and chilled a little bit since we all were tired af.
I went to the kitchen to get some water and saw Jake there as well. I decided to go and talk to him about the girls, because I wanted to know his first impressions.

"So jakey boi, what do you think about Cass and May?" I said with a teasing voice.

" Cass seems to be a nice and funny girl, now I understand why you were laughing at your laptop all the time"

"And what do you think about May?"
Jake didnt seem to want to answer the question and he turned red instantly so I alredy kinda knew what he thought about her.
I lowkey ship them tho, like they have the same style, they love the same kind of music and I think Jake might have a crush on May, but like "the first impression crush" thing, since they haven't known eachother long enough.

Cass and May fell asleep on the sofa but I didnt want to wake them up. The only ones that were still awake were Jake, Devyn and I, so I decided to call Jake to help me bring the girls upstairs to bed, and let them stay over tonight.
I took Cass upstairs to my room and layed her on the couch I have next to my bed, and put a blanket on her. I decided to lay her down on the couch because I didnt know if she would feel weird sleeping with me in the same bed so...
" Colby, where the fuck do I have to lay May?" Jake asked.
"Lay her down in your room, since there's no other place she can sleep. It's a little rude if we let her alone downstairs, dont you think?" I told him. He blushed a little bit but he finally decided to take her to his room. I feel a little bit bad for him, he never knows what to do in these situations.

Jake's Pov

Colby told me to take May to my room but I didnt know if it was a good idea, I sas scared that she was going to get mad at me and hate me for life.
Suddenly, after 30min, May woke up very confused. She soon noticed she was in my room with me, and she started blushing. I stared at my feet because i didnt want her to see my red face.
"It was Colby's idea right?" she asked.
"Yes but i'm so sorry May, I didn't want you to ged mad or anything"
"don't worry about it, I'm completely fine with it" she finally said.

I started smiling, I felt very happy at that moment.

May's pov

I was very tired so I decided to get into Jake's bed and get comfortable.
"You mind if I lay down?" I asked him.
"Lay wherever you want, don' t worry" He said with a sweet smile.
I still couldn't help blushing, he was just too cute.
I felt him lay down next to me, and soon I felt his arms around me. I turned around and I rested my head on his chest. He was so warm, and I felt so secure next to him. I loved it...


Sorry for the short chapter!! I will try writing more next time ❤️

~He is perfect~ //Jake Webber//Where stories live. Discover now