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May's pov

Jake left to the airport a few hours ago and I was just chilling in his room, playing with Copia.
I went downstairs to get some food, and I noticed the roommates weren't home. I went outside to see if their cars were gone, and yup, the cars were gone, except Colby's. Great.
I went back upstairs and layed back down on the bed.
I was scrolling through insta when Cass sent me a text.

One day I will kill this girl

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One day I will kill this girl. For real.
Anyway. I got up and walked over to the closet to pick out some clothes. I walked over to the mirror with my make up bag and sat on the ground to do my make up.
The final look was:

I felt so good about my look today

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I felt so good about my look today.
I was ready an hour early so I decided to go to the gaming room and play some Call of Duty.
I was just going to enter the game as Colby walked towards me.
"What do you want Colby?" I said slightly annoyed.

"Nothing. You look beautiful though" he smiled.

"Oh, Thanks" I said being a little uncomfortable.

Cass arrived at the Trap House, so I ran outside to her car.
I opened the car door and Cass directly started yelling.
"What is wrong Cass?" I asked being a little tired of her yelling.

"Ok, so do you remember this guy that went to art school with us? Elliot?"

"Uhmm, yeah I do remember him. Why?"

"Well he's going to be at Mykie's party and I am CRYING"

"Oh, uhmm... Ok I guess"

Elliot has never been a good friend of mine but he didn't bother me either. I do remember Mykie, Cass and Elliot being very close friends the first year of arts but that's it, I don't know anything else.

We arrived at the party and I hugged some old friends from arts.
It was great to see them again, I really miss those times.
I was sitting on an old couch when suddenly the band played a very familiar song. Fat lip, by sum 41.
Cass convinced me to go to the dancefloor with her when I recognised the band.The Relentless.
And usually recognising a band isn't a bad thing right? Right. Well not in my case.
The lead singer of that band was my ex crush, Daniel.
We both went together to the same high school and art school. He has been my crush since I was 14 and I still feel something weird in my stomach when I see him.
I just ignored the fact he was there and playfully joined the moshpits that some of my old friends were starting at the breakdowns.
Was I wearing proper clothes for a moshpit? Definetly not, but hey, I had fun.
After the moshpit i talked to a couple of my old friends. The concert was over, and I definetly had a lot of fun singing the lyrics of some generic pop punk songs on the top of my lungs.
I walked over to the band to say hi to the drummer David. He used to be my best friend, now we're just friends, but that's ok. Daniel walked over to us and my heart skipped a beat. SHIT.
No, I can't like him, I love Jake...

Wassup my frens.
This chapter included some things that are actually true for me in real life. YAY ME.
AAAnd dis bish over here is starting to skate again. BUT. Yesterday I went to the skatepark and it was completely EMPTY, so, I was happy. 5min my crush came with his friends. I wanted to dieeeEee
k bye

~He is perfect~ //Jake Webber//Where stories live. Discover now