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May's pov

We came home at around 2am, after entering the house, Jake went upstairs. I decided to follow him since everyone except Aaron was asleep, but he was playing fortnite so I didn't want to bother him.
I entered Jake's room and sat down on the bed and connected my phone to the charger.
Jake sat down on the couch infront of me and grabbed his laptop. He clearly was looking for something.
"You can put on your pajamas if you want to, I won't look" he finally said with a little smile.
"I forgot my pajamas at home" I whispered while looking at my feet.
"Don't worry, you can wear one of my T-shirts"
I nodded and smiled. He was a lot taller than me so his T-shirts will look gigantic on me, but I didn't really care.
I walked over to his closet and grabbed a white shirt that said "crybaby" obviously a Lil peep shirt.

"C-could you turn around please" I whispered.
Jake turned around so I could change. I looked in the mirror, and yup, still a zombie.
I told Jake he could look again, and when he turned around a big smile appeared on his face.

"My fav shirt" he smiled.

"I-Im so sorry! D-do you want me to take it off?" i said a little bit shy.

"NO. Not at all, you look gorgeous in it!" He said.
I blushed and sat back down on the bed. I grabbed my phone and checked my social media. Jake's insta story popped up, so I clicked on it.
It was a pic of me sitting on the bed with his shirt on, and it said "my lil girl ❤️"
I looked at him, and he was clearly waiting for my reaction. I blushed more than usual. He stood up and sat next to me on the bed. I looked him in the eyes and before i knew it, he kissed me.
I didn't know how to react.

"I-Im very sorry" he quickly said and walked out the door.
I sat there alone, very confused until I heard him and Colby talk.

Jake' pov

"I fucked up Colby, I just kissed her without thinking about it" I said.

"Don't worry so much about it, it was just a kiss"

"YES I KNOW! But I feel like it's too soon, like, I don't want it to get weird between us, or even worse, her thinking I just kiss and fuck every girl"

"Jake, for real, she won't think that, she probably thinks you like her, and that's it" Colby rolled his eyes.

"I don't know anymore man, I don't want to go tooooOoo fast"

"ok" he just answered, and went back to his room.

Well that was nice, a supportive friend.

May's pov

I grabbed my phone to see who was texting me. I was still very confused about what just happened.

Cassss👑💕:Hey may, when are u coming home, I'm bored afffff
May💁💅: I'm at Colby's place now but I will be leaving soon. See ya latter buddy❤️

I grabbed my stuff and went to Aaron's room to say goodbye. After that, I said goodbye to Corey and Devyn. Finally I went over to Colby's room and knocked on his door.
"Come in" I heard.
I opened the door and saw Colby in front of his closet without a shirt.
I blushed a little when I saw his body, but when I looked up, I couldn't help staring at his beautiful ocean blue eyes.
I focused again on the reason why I was in his room.
" Well, I'm leaving now sooo..."

"Awwww are you leaving alredy" Colby said with a sad voice.

"Yeah, Cass asked me to come home. She misses me" I laugh.

"Well, see you next time" He smiled.
I turned around to walk out the door, but suddenly he touched my butt. My ass. My booty. My bum bum.
I was extremely confused so I turned around and looked at him with the what the actual fuck look.
"I'm sorry" he just said.
I sighed and just walked over to my car.

Two months later

I haven't seen Colby or Jake in like two weeks, since they both happen to leave the house 30 min before i come, so I've just been hanging out a lot with Devyn, Sam and his girlfriend Kat.
I learned a lot about make up since I started hanging out with Devyn and Kat, and its very interesting.

I arrived at the trap house and was greeted by Buddy and Navi. Soon I heard Devyn running down the stairs to hug me.
A few minutes later, I see Jake in the kitchen making pizza rolls.

"Hey Jake" I whispered.

"Hey May... Can I talk to you for a second"

"Yeah sure"

We walk upstairs to Jake's room and I sit on the bed.

"Ok, well, I've been trying to tell you this for a long time..." he finally said.


Jake took a deep breath. "I think I like you, like... I love you"

OK so I definetly didn't see that one coming and I wasn't mentally prepared for this yet so my smart ass just answered "Oh, ok".
Jake looked a little bit sad, and he probably just regretted that he said that to me. Yes, I felt like a terrible person, but my antisocial af brain doesn't know what to do in these situations.

"Are you SURE you like like me?"

"100% sure"

Both my mind and my heart were racing, not knowing what to do.
I lowkey have been crushing on Jake since the moment I met him, but I'm a fucking trash can, and don't deserve to be with him.

I am CoNfuSioN.


Look at me making longer chapters hehehe.
Ok, it's not much longer but ey, AT LEAST I TRIED.


thank u ❤️

~He is perfect~ //Jake Webber//Where stories live. Discover now