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May's pov

I looked at him in confusion.
"Wait what?" He stared  into my eyes.
"I love you May. I want to be with you. Forever."

Nopenopenope, this can't be happening right now. I am not going to allow myself to cheat on Jake. I love him.

"Aww, that's so cutee" I said trying to ignore the fact that he just said he wants to be with me forever.
I heared some footsteps outside the room and got kinda nervous.
Soon,he  leaned in, wanting to connect our lips for a passionate kiss.

"WHAT THE HELL MAY!" I turned my head to see who was yelling at me.

"Jake! What are you doing here?!" I said while having a slight panic attack.

"I got invited by Xepher to this party. I walked upstairs in search of the bathroom and I heared your voice coming from this room. Ofcourse, I thought it was weird since you told me you were going to the animal shelter, but SIKE here you are in your favorite dress, on a couch, alone with another guy. Kissing" He was nearly crying.

"Who the fuck is this?" Daniel asked slightly annoyed.

"This is my  boyfriend Jake"

"WHAT? You're dating this dude?!" 

"Well this dude is done with May!" he sighed. "Bye"

"Wait, wait. Dont leave, it's not wh-" Jake cut me off to reply.

"What do you mean? How May, How? You fucking lied to my face, just to find you cheating on me" He walked out the door, clearly hurt. What was I gonna do now?

"Well, I certainly didnt see that one coming" Daniel said. 
I gave him the typical death-stare and walked out the room.
I grabbed my phone and dialed Cass' number, hoping she would pick up the phone and help me.
"Cass on the phone now. How may I help you" Typical Cass.

"Can you come pick me up? I kinda fucked up" I said.

"Sure. Where u at?"

"I'll send u the adress"

I hung up the phone and sent Cass the adress.
I sat down on a bench in front of Daniel's place and let out a sigh.
I kept repeating the scenario over and over in my head, finally, Cass arrived. I opened the car door and sat down next to her while tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"Oh dear lord. What happend buddy?"
I told Cass the entire story on our way back home. We arrived at our place and I headed directly to my room falling on my bed. Cass walked in.

"Hey May"  I groaned. "Tomorrow some friends and I are gonna go out to take some pics for insta, wanna come"
I lifted my head up from the pillow and nodded.

"Nice! Be ready before 2pm, please" Cass smiled and walked away.
It was a great oportunity to focus on something nice, something that doesnt stress me out. I stood up from my confortable bed that was covered with a black blanket and had multiple pillows with matching black pillowcases. Slowly I walked over to my closet to pick out an outfit for tomorrow. Luckily, I left some clothes at my own place. While smiling at the outfit I chose for the next day, I layed it over my wooden chair and decided to go read a book.  I walked over to my book shelf, that had several books about mythology, witchcraft and other themes. I chose my favorite book, grabbed a blanket, a bottle of Arizona Green Tea and walked onto my balcony and sat down on one of the chairs, covering my legs with the blanket. I opened the book and started reading, leaving reality and entering the fantasy world.

The next day I woke up at around 12am, meaning I had two hours to get ready for the little photo shoot.
I put on my clothes and did my make up. 1:30h later I was finally ready for the day.
Cass looked excited and happy like always, and ofcourse, she was making us pancakes.

"You're amazing, Cass"

"I know I am, thank you"
I started laughing and took a piece of fresh pancake covered in maple syrup.

"So, are you excited for today?" Cass asked while still having her mouth full.

"Strangely enough, yes. I havent posted anything on insta for a while, so YAY" I grinned.

"Mykie is taking the pictures, and Daniel is coming too"

Yayyy, I didnt see that one coming, but ok, Im old enough to deal with these situations.

/// Time skip to photo shoot///

We arrived at a beautiful location Mykie had chosen for us to take pictures.

We started walking around while posing every now and then.
The end of the day came near, and I had a lot of fun.
Daniel and I didnt talk at all, but I was ok with that.

We arrived home and Mykie sent us the pictures of today. I ended up posting:

It's one of the pictures that I liked the most

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It's one of the pictures that I liked the most.
I quickly got a lot of likes and comments, something that wasnt important to me at all, but still, it made me feel good about myself.

Cass uploaded a picture of us two.
It was a very cute picture. I was again happy with it

If you asked me, it was one of the best days I had in months

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If you asked me, it was one of the best days I had in months.
I succeeded in getting my mind off of my problems and I had a lot of fun with my friends.

After a long day of fun and laughter, I crashed on my soft and comfortable bed and fell asleep.

~He is perfect~ //Jake Webber//Where stories live. Discover now