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I was now outside, angry, sad and confused. All at the same time.
I put in my earphones and "my boy" by Billie Eyebrow- I mean Eilish started blasting through them.
I started skating  towards a very special place. My place with Jake.
I arrived. Fresh air filled my lungs as I inhaled the smell of the nearby flowers.
Grabbing my board, I started to make my way over to the tree.
I sighed as I sat down beside it.

"What a day" I said to myself.
I started thinking about the shit that happened to me the last few months.
It started with a love at first sight, I fucked up, now I'm dating Colby Brock but, I'm not sure if I really want to be with him, since I constantly have the urge to be in Jake's arms.
What is this? A romcom? A fucking Drama TV show? Jesus fucking christ on a skateboard.
I came up with some options; I thought of just breaking up with Colby and never see them again. Not Jake, not Colby, but then I thought about Cass. She and Colby are like best friends now, so I will have to see him multiple times a month.
I thought it was right to talk to Jake, give him a chance to fix his shit.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked for Jake's number.
It took a while before he picked up his phone, but when he did, he sounded exhausted and sad.

"Jake, can you come to the tree right now?"

There was a brief silence followed by a sigh.

"Sure" Jake hung up the phone, and I assumed he was coming to our special place. I have to admit, I was hella nervous.
10 minutes passed and Jake was supposed to be here alredy. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see it was Jake Webber. His eyes were red and puffy, clearly from crying.
"You showed up" I whispered.

"You asked me to come" He had a slightly annoyed tone, but he tried to hide it.

"Look Jake I-"

"You don't need to tell me. I was a dick and you don't want to see me anymore, I get it"
My little heart broke when he said that.

"N-no, not at all. I actually was wondering if... You know... We could try all over again"

"What about Colby?"
Ofcourse, Lil May forgot about her actual boyfriend, Colby.

"Shit" I rolled my eyes.

"Look, I would just love to be with you but I don't want to ruin my friendship with Colbs"

"I understand" I stared down at my feet.

"He doesn't need to know tho"
I looked up.

"What do you mean?"

"We can be together for a while, without you breaking up with Colby. Just to try again"

"Wouldn't that be cheating? You know, the thing you thought I did to you"

"It would, but later on, you tell him you want to be with me. Only if things work out though"

"That doesn't really sound like a good idea"

"It's that, or break up with him now"
I was silent for a solid 5 seconds.

"I-I dont know"

Jake rolled his eyes.
"Come on May, take chances, now or never" he giggled a little bit when he said that; I giggled too.

"Okay fine, I'll talk to Colby, I really dont want to cheat on him"

Ok lol, this chapter is so lame and typical lmao, but hey, we still goin.


~He is perfect~ //Jake Webber//Where stories live. Discover now