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Jake's pov

I woke up at 10 or something, kinda early for me but oh well.
I looked next to me, and May was still asleep on my chest, she was so beautiful, you just couldn't imagine it.
I grabbed my phone and scrolled for a while, even though I was in my own world. I was thinking about taking May out today and get to know her more, probably get some ice cream or something, yeah, that seems like a good idea.
Thirty minutes later or so, May finally woke up.
"Good morning May" I said with a smile. I lowkey wanted to give her a kiss on the head, but I was too afraid she would think its weird, or that she hates that, so I just said a boring good morning.
"Good morning Jake".

I smiled at her, she was still resting her face on my chest.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, like I didn't want to bother you or som-"
"Don't worry May, don't be so afraid of everything. It's fine" I said trying to calm her down.

"SooooOoooo... Are you gonna go anywhere today?" I asked.

"Nah, I don't think so, I still don't have many friends, I only know you guys, Cass (obv) and a random guy that works at Starbucks" she giggled.

"Weeeeeeeeeellll... Would you like to go and get ice cream or something? , get to know eachother a little better, just talk or whatever you want. You don't need to wear anything fancy, don't worry about that haha"

"Sure! I would love to!"

"Ok! At 1pm in the kitchen?"

"Sure" She replied happily.

May's pov

I was very excited to get to know Jake a little better, I've been crushing on him since the moment I saw him so I would love to know more about his life.
It was alredy 12pm and I still wasn't ready, luckily, I don't take long to get ready, I don't really care if I look like shit.
I walked over to my closet and grabbed my black sweatpants my Lil Peep hoodie and I put on my High top black Vans. I looked in the mirror and I looked very similar to a zombie, nothing new I guess.
I put on just a little bit of make up and let my hair loooseeee and wiiiildddd (like always, cuz I'm a hot mess).
I walked down stairs towards the kitchen where Jake was waiting for me.

"Ready to go?" He asked with his sweet and beautiful voice.

"Yup" I replied.

We walked to Jake's car and he gave me the aux cord.

"Here ya go. We have a very similar taste in music, so I don't really mind you putting on music" he said to me with a smile.

"Thanks" I replied with a smile while I wss staring directly into his magical eyes.

I scrolled through my music and decided to put on my fav song by Neck Deep, Growing Pains. The song started and I directly started singing. I looked at Jake and he seemed to like the song since he was bouncing up and down at the guitar riffs.
We arrived at our destination, We were parked in the middle of nowhere and I lowkey freaked out.

"Uhhhm Jake... Where are we?"

"At my fav place. It's very special to me, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I do" He said very excited.
I followed him until we arrived at a beautiful field full of trees with pink flowers. It was honestly amazing.
We sat down under the biggest tree and Jake started to search for something in hid backpack. He took out two Ben & Jerrys Ice creams and handed one to me.

"This is honestly amazing" I said while looking around me.

"I always come here when I'm sad and need some time alone, It means a lot to me that you're here with me now" he said. He wrapped his arm around my waist and hugged me. I could feel his warm breath in my neck, and he softly whispered something in my ear. It was a magical feeling.
A few hours later we went back to Jake's place, and I decided to stay there again since I had a lot of fun with the guys the night before.
"Thanks for coming May. I had a lot of fun" he said to me with a big smile. I melted instantly


I really want to write longer chapters, but I dunno what to write :(
Im sorry buddies

~He is perfect~ //Jake Webber//Where stories live. Discover now