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May's pov

We're back at le trap house and I'm ready to go talk to Colby. I've been mentally preparing myself to see one of my best friends fall to pieces, but I think its the best for all of us.

I walked upstairs, past Corey and Davyn's room, turning right towards Colby's room. I knocked on his door. Soft rap music sneaked through the gaps underneath the door.
"Come in" his deep but soft voice sounded like music to my ears.

I opened his door slowly, revealing Colby sitting on his bed while listening to old 2pac songs.

"Hey babe" he smiled. "I'm glad you're here, I wanted to talk to you about something"
At this point I got scared, I didnt know if something good or bad was going to happen.
I sat down next to him. He turned down the music.
"Oh, Tell me"
He took a deep breath.
"I really like you as a person, or as my best friend but-" I interrupted him.

"but you feel like you belong to someone else?"

"Yes, exactly. H-how did you know?"
He looked confused but relieved at the same time.

"I've been wanting to tell you. All this time that we've been together, I still had feelings for Jake but I didnt want to accept it" Colby smiled.

"I knew it!" he grinned.

"What? how?!"  I was surprised.

"You're so obvious" He smiled at me.

"And you didn't mind?"

"All this time I've had the same feeling, I still like Xepher. We don't belong together as a couple"

"I guess you're right" I smiled.
Colby streched out his arms for a hug.

"Wanna be friends?"

"Sure" I hugged him tightly, as a sign of relief. That was so much easier than I expected.

I stood up from the bed and walked towards the door.

"Guess imma tell Jake now" i giggled. "And you should probably talk to Xepher. I heard she broke up with Mike a few days ago" I winked at him and walked out.
I directly walked towards Jake's room.
I opened the door with a big smile. I felt like everything was gonna be ok. Jake is getting off the drugs and everything will be back to normal. Thankfully.
"Good News!"
Jake stood up to hug me tightly, clearly he knew what I meant with good news.

"I'll promise you I will change"
I hugged him even tighter, nearly breaking his neck.

I soon realised It was very late and that I had to work the next day.

"Shit Jake, what time is it?"
He pulled his phone out of his back pocket.

A I want to die smile appeared on my face.

"I gotta get up at 7"

"You're fucked"

"I definetly am" I sighed. "I've got 3 hours to rest from this drama, so I'm gonna fucking sleep now"

"probably same" Jake sighed.

"Shit I forgot my stuff" I rolled my eyes. "I'll be right back"
I walked over to Colby's room and knocked on the door to let him know I was coming.
"Sorry, forgot my stuff" I said as I ran in, grabbed my bags and ran back out.


I fell backwards onto Jake's bed, extremely exhausted. He layed down beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep

Lol im really gettin bored of this story, like 90% doesnt even make sense. Should I quit? I dunno.

By the whore, I did indeed start another book (yes, fukin end me alredy) Its a peep fanfic, cuz I was writing 2 much obout him here.
(kinda everytime I was sad) so now I have a new platform where I can ramble bout him :D
So yeah, if u feel like chekin it out, go ahead my beautys

~He is perfect~ //Jake Webber//Where stories live. Discover now