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May's pov

When Daniel walked over to me I got extremely nervous. What was happening to me?
"Hey May, it's been a while since I've seen you" He smiled happily.
I smiled. "So, how's life?"
"Well, the band is growing and we're starting to have a bigger fanbase, so yeah, you can say it's great"
"Glad to hear it's going great man"
He smiled widely showing his braces. "I missed you May. We had a lot of fun together"
"We sure did. We should hang out sometime"
"Sure, see you laterzzz"

He walked away to join his band members and help them clean up.

Shitshitshit, this doesnt feel right.
I told Mykie and Cass I was leaving and I went home.

When I arrived at home, Colby was watching a movie. I walked over to him.
"Colby, can I trust you?"
"Sure, what's wrong" he asked.
"Well I was at Mykie's party, and my school crush was there... And uhmm I got so nervous, and I got a weird feeling in my stomach. I got so confused and now I dont know what to do" I spoke really fast.
"You should just calm down, It's nothing, just FaceTime Jake and you'll forget about that other guy"
"Yeah that's a good idea"
"By the way, who is that guy?"
"You know the band The Relentless? Well it's the lead singer"
Colby almost choked on his cereal.
"DANIEL MCCALL? " He said clearly surprised.
"Yup" I walked upstairs to Jake's room. I FaceTimed him. I just couldn't wait untill he was back home.

//Time skip. 3 months later//

Jake's finally back home in LA and we were just on his bed when someone called me. Guess who? Yup. Daniel.
"Hey wassup" I said.
"Nothing really. I was just calling to ask you if you wanted to come to our concert next weekend. We're playing with Yax. I thought you would like to come. I have two tickets for you, they're completely free, you can bring someone if you like"
"Oh that sounds great. I will be there. See you then!!

I ended the phone call.
"Jake, you wanna come to a concert next weekend with me?" I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Sure, who's playing?"
"Oh, just some... Local bands"
"Sounds great"

A few hours passed and I had to go volunteer at the local shelter.

"Imma leave now babeeeee"
"Nooooooo dont leaveee" He said with his puppy face while streching out his arms towards me.
"Im sorry doggo. I'll see you later"

I walked outside to my car and got changed into a dress and some high heels.

"This is gonna be a long night" I said to myself confidently.


~He is perfect~ //Jake Webber//Where stories live. Discover now