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 May's pov

I woke up from a loud bang downstairs.

"Colby is everyone home?"I shook him awake. "Babeeeee"

"Yes May, everyone's home" He sat up straight and rubbed his eye. "What's wrong?"

"I heared a loud bang coming from downstairs"

"Don't worry too much about it. Sometimes Navi starts running and hits a wall. Just try to go back to sleep" He gave me a side hug and a peck on the lips and layed back down again. I didn't really trust it, so I stood up and headed downstairs.
The lights were on, who could be awake at 3am?
I walked towards the kitchen, just then, Colby came downstairs as well.
"Babe what's wro-" he cut off his own sentence.
There he was, the one and only Jake Webber, drunk.

"Who is she?" Colby asked concerned.

"Thisss is Mendi" he giggled.

"It's Mandy" The blonde haired girl said while hugging him.

"I found her at a barrrr" he tried to walk over to the fridge, but he didnt succeed and instead he just crashed against the wall and ended up on the floor, laughing.
Soon Mandy joined him. He wrapped his arms around her.

"Cwolby, can I keep her?" he asked with his puppy face.

"Sure, whatever, Im not dealing with this bullshit now" Colby said slightly annoyed.  He went outside to the pool and I followed him, locking the door from the outside so that Lil drunk Jake wouldn't fall in the pool and drown.
I sat down next to Colby with my feet in the water.

"Doesn't it bother you that he just came back home with the first girl he found in a fucking bar?"

"Nah, not really, It was his choice to break up with me, and not let me explain. Plus, why would I bother, we literally just fucked" I laughed it off.

"You're right, it was kinda a shitty move of him" he laughed with me.

"Everything in life can't always be amazing" I got closer to him.
He wrapped his arm around me, giving me a it will all be ok feeling.

"Maybe this could be the start of something new" Colby said turning his head to me and using his hand to lift up my chin.  "You're strong, you can get over this" He gave me a quick kiss on my cheek.


Colby and I started dating 2 months ago, obviously I didn't forget about Jake, but things were going bad.
Almost every night he comes home drunk or high. Recently Aaron found Xanax pills under his bed, but it werent prescription pills. Jake knew damn well that non-prescription Xanax was extremely dangerous, but he didn't seem to care.
I was extremely worried about him, but I brushed it off everytime I saw him using.
The entire house wanted to get professional help, but he would get very angry everytime we were talking about it.
Luckily, things changed that one day.

It was the 15th of November, the day that the man that helped me through so much crap died.
I refused to get out of bed that entire day.
"Hey May, are you feeling better?"
Jake asked entering Colby's room and sitting next to me, Angeldust playing in the background. "This was our song" he started singing the lyrics.
These eyes have seen the strangest things
Passin' by, no one noticed my angel wings
Gettin' high 'cause my life don't mean shit to me
Ask me why I might sing you a symphony

I joined him while the tears were streaming down my face.

These eyes have seen the strangest things
Passin' by, no one noticed my angel wings
Ask me why I might sing you a symphony
I'ma take my time when Im in it
I'ma make my mind up by tonight
No, I cant die when im singin'
I could live forever, way past the mic

Jake smiled and I just started crying histerically.

"I miss him so much Jake"

"We all do May, we all do" He wrapped his arms around me so I could rest my face on his shoulder.
Haunt you started playing on the TV.
I burst out in tears, I couldnt contain it anymore.
His soothing voice, his perfect hair, weak arms, tattooed face. My lil hellboy.

"Sometimes I just wished I could join him, tell him everything he did for me" i looked at the crybaby I had tattooed on my arm, a teardrop fell on it.
"He didnt deserve to die Jake, he didnt"  I rubbed my arm, still staring at it. I lowered my voice "All because of those fucking drugs"
Jake loosened his grip.
"We all now you've been using Jake, stop hiding it"
I was so frustrated at this point.
He stood up and walked towards the door.

"Im so fucking sorry May"
Just when he said that, Colby walked in. He gave him the so called death stare.

"You done, Jake?"

"Yeah, yeah, I was just leaving"


~He is perfect~ //Jake Webber//Where stories live. Discover now