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May's pov
That night, I changed completely, but the worst of all, I lied to the person I loved the most, Jake.

I drove for 20 minutes until I arrived at a giant modern mansion with music so loud, you could hear it from a mile away.
No, that night I didnt go to the animal shelter, I went to a party. Daniel's party. No one knew about this not even Mykie or Cass.
I'm not gonna lie, I was nervous.
I entered the mansion wearing...

I took a deep breath and continued walking while looking for Daniel

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I took a deep breath and continued walking while looking for Daniel.
I walked into his garden where I saw more than 40 people and, for me, that was a lot.
Finally I found him. He looked so handsome. He smiled and my cheeks turned bright pink.

"You want a drink?" He said.
"Sure" I said excitedly.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me through all the people until we arrived at the table with all the drinks and snacks.
"What would you like to drink, princess?"
My heart stopped for at least 2 seconds. I snapped back to the real world.
"Uhmmm... The pink vodka with coca cola would be nice" I said a little bit nervous.
He poured the drink in a red cup and gave it to me with a sweet and calming smile.
"Uhm, Daniel"
"That's my name" He joked.
"I dont really know anyone here"
"Dont worry about that, just stay with me" He gave me a side hug.

We sat next to the pool and we started talking about life while seeing his friends do dumb drinking games.
"Come, follow me" Daniel stood up but waited for me.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"You will like it"
I followed him into the mansion, walking upstairs until we got to his room.
"Why are we at your room?" I asked very confused.
"Shhh, just trust me"
He opened the door revealing a giant organized room.
"Ok, close your eyes and follow me"
I grabbed his hand and we started walking.
Suddenly he stopped.
"You can open your eyes now"
I opened my eyes and I saw the most beautiful thing ever.
It was a room made out of glass. Not the floor tho.
You could see the beautiful sky full of stars.
"Daniel, this is beautiful" I stuttered.
"I know, I've always known you love astrology and the universe, so I thought you would like to come here"
"Yes I d-... How did you know that?" I asked confused.
"When we were friends in art school, I had a giant crush on you, so I did my research. Basically asking Cass"

Oh my lord. I was screaming internally. MY CRUSH HAD A CRUSH ON ME!?

We sat down on a comfortable couch that was placed in the middle of the room.
He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. I layed my head on his shoulder as we watched the stars. I knew it was wrong, but what I was feeling that exact moment, was unforgettable.
"I love you May"

~He is perfect~ //Jake Webber//Where stories live. Discover now