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May's pov

Damn you Jake. You are amazing.
I'm noticing I'm starting to like Jake a lot, but I don't know how to tell him.
I texted Cass while Jake was still sleeping peacefully next to me. Little Angel.

May💕💅: HONEY. I have a Pro-blem.
May💕💅: Well, I think I'm starting to have feelings for Jake, I am so happy when he's around me and I have the urge to hug him 24/7. Whelp.
Cass👻💨: Yeah, I don't know how guys work n' shit... But I guess you should just tell him.
May💕💅: You're so good at giving advice 😒
Cass👻💨:I know. You're welcome 🌹

I just love having friends like her *sarcasm*
But I guess she's right, I should tell him. I'll wait until he wakes up to tell him.

Jake finally woke up, so I went down to get him breakfast. When I got back to my room Jake was ShIrtLesS in my bed I was Mc. Shooketh.
I handed him the bowl of cereal I prepared and sat down on the bed next to him.

"Uhmm... Jake, you remember that you told me that you liked me?" I was so nervous.

"Yeah, so?" He was a little confused.

"Well... I think I like you too" By now I was completely red, and you couldn't see the difference between me and a tomato.
Jake was silent for a solid minute, and it became very awkward. I looked down at my feet to not make it even more uncomfortable.

"Seriously? Like this isn't a prank right?" He finally said still very confused.

"Seriously, it isn't a prank, I really like you" I looked into his beautiful eyes.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He had a smile from ear to ear and he was very excited.
I nodded.
Jake pulled me against him into a tight hug and it felt amazing.

"I don't want to rush anything tho"  I said.

"Don't worry babe, we won't" he gave me a kiss on my forehead.
I smiled and got up from the bed to change.
Since I had to go to work today, I wore:

I am a tattoo artist, so I don't have to wear very formal clothes

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I am a tattoo artist, so I don't have to wear very formal clothes.
When I was done, I walked back over to Jake and sat on his lap.

"Was it scary when you got your tattoos?" Jale asked me with an inocent voice.

I laughed. "Nah, it wasn't scary, some of them hurt a little" I said pointing at the flower tattoo I have on my hand.

"Your tats are very cool" He just smiled.

"Thanks" I smiled and gave him a Kiss on the cheek. "I have to go now tho, see you in a few hours"
We both walked to our cars and left.
I left to work and Jake headed to the Trap house.

///Time skip///

I arrived at the tattoo shop where I worked, and greeted my friend Rafa that was working on a tattoo design of a costumer.
The hours flew by and I got to go home, but I decided to go to Jake's place.

When I arrived at the Trap House Colby and Sam were in the kitchen thinking about what video to make. I walked to the fridge to get some water.

"Hey May!" Sam yelled.

"HEY SAM!" I yelled back to him, laughing a little.

"I heard you and Jake are together now, as a couple" Colby said to me grinning a little.

"Yes we are queen" I laughed and headed upstairs to Jake's room.

I was just going to enter his room as I heard Jake yelling at his phone, it seemed like he was crying. The phone call ended and I walked in. Jake was crying a lot. He was so sad. I walked over to him and he pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged back.

"Babe, is everything ok?" I asked him. I was very worried.

"No, not at all..."

______________________________________So, hey wassup fuckers. I tried to make the typical outfit thingy u see in every fanfic, but I failed and it looks like shit so YAY ME.
Btw, Yax is a small Pop Punk band from Barcelona (just for ur info)

Aaaand this book has 300 reads, and ok, it isnt that much but oml thank you.

~He is perfect~ //Jake Webber//Where stories live. Discover now