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May's pov

My tears kept running down my red cheeks.
"Babe It's ok, I'm here now" Colby sat down next to me, where Jake sat earlier. I rested my head on his chest while he wrapped his arms around me. "I brought you a little present"
I stared at him for a second.
He grabbed a big box covered with red metallic paper.
"Open it" he smiled.
I slowly opened the box, revealing multiple gifts.
The first ones were thin square shaped objects, covered in newspaper.
I unwrapped one of them.
"Oh my dear Behemoth!" I squealed."A HELLBOY CD!" I couldn't believe it, the only Lil Peep CD I didnt have was finally in my hands.

"Come on, open the case" Colby insisted.
I opened the CD case and my eyes darted to a black handwriting.
"Is this his autogra-" My jaw dropped.

"It indeed is" He smiled widely.

"How did you even get this?!"

"I have some connections. Now, open the rest"
I opened the second surprise.
It was the Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge CD from my chemical romance.

"So many memories OMG" I grinned and wiped a tear away.
The box also included a YUNGBLUD hoodie and a Card.

"I know you struggle a lot accepting that your idol, who basically saved your life, passed away.
You probably feel empty right now, so I decided to cheer you up a little bit.
You're an amazing person, and its just wrong to not see you happy, so I kinda, maybe got you some concert tickets to Neck Deep in March 2019.
You can take a friend or something. As long as you're happy, I'm happy.
I love u babe.
-Colby "

"Lol that was cheesy" He started blushing.

"This is amaziiinggg!" I hugged Colby so tight that I almost strangled him "Thank you so so so much" I kissed his cheek multiple times.

"You feel better now May?"

"A little, yes" Colby wiped my tears away.

"You wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure" We both stood up.
I put on my new white YUNGBLUD hoodie and some shorts.
We walked downstairs towards the gaming room.
I sat on the couch and made myself comfortable while Colby started looking for a movie. Suddenly, Jake walked in.
I smiled at him. Ofcourse, I miss him, but I feel like I just had to move on with life.

"May, can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked.
I stood up and walked upstairs with Jake to his room.

"What's up"

"Look, I made a big mistake a few months ago. I realise I should've listened to you, and let you explain..."

"Jake, I don't even care about that anymore, I'm over it" I wasn't over it "I just care about your health right now. You're bringing home all these random girls and you started doing drugs, and you seem to try to avoid it, but you cant"

"I started using because I was lost, I didnt have anyone here, no family no friends"

"Bullshit! You had me, Sam, Colby, Aaron, Corey, even Devyn! But you didnt seem to notice our existence"

"You dont get it..."
I clenched my teeth when he said that.

"Ofcourse I do! I struggled in life too, and you know that. I had multiple friends who used drugs. Even our idol did, and he isnt here anymore because of that"

"I just want you to believe me"

"Jake no! Just no! You arent the same person as when I met you. You were sweet and caring, you seemed to hate drugs" A tear fell down my cheek again. "What the fuck happened to you"
I stared at him angrily. I was so done with this Bullshit. It was time he had to change.

"I won't talk to you if you dont go to rehab. I miss the old Jake. The Jake that wasn't stupid"

"I will go to rehab. I'll stop doing drugs, I'll stop bringing random girls home, I promise" he looked at me. "I miss you May. I still love you"
I stood up and walked out the door.
I went to Colby's room to get my headphones and my shoes.

"Where are you going babe? Weren't we going to watch a movie?" Colby said when he saw me walking downstairs.
I grabbed my skateboard and walked outside. I needed some time alone.

~He is perfect~ //Jake Webber//Where stories live. Discover now