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May's pov

I woke up to the sound of my iphone alarm telling me to wake up. I sighed and rolled over to the side where Jake was supposed to lay, but he wasn't there. That little motherfucker, I thought to myself. With a lot of struggles I finally crawled out of the king sized bed and walked over to one of my bags to grab my make up. I had time, so I decided not to hurry and do everything with ease.

It didn't take long before I was done doing my make up and put on some clothes so I packed all my stuff, planning to finally sleep at home this time, spending too much time with Jake and the other guys isnt healthy for me nor for them, especially if we want Jake to get better. I took my phone out of my back pocket and dialed Cass' number. It rang 2 times before she picked it up.


"Hey boo, Im coming home tonight, is that ok with you?"

"Shit girl, it's been a hot minute since I've seen you, but sure, we've got a lot to talk about"

"See you then" I hung up and shoved my phone back to where it was.

Walking downstairs with all my bags over my shoulders, I noticed that Jake was alredy awake. The fact that I just got mad internally at him is consuming me right now. I mean, I guess it's normal after everything that happened in this relantionship, if you can even call it a relationship.

"Good morning" His morning voice was very evident, he hadn't been awake for much longer than I.

I smiled at him in response, grabbing a pre-packed breakfast out of the fridge and a juice box, I wanted to go to work, take my mind off of everything and just focus on the thing I love the most, my art and my tattoo parlour.

"I'm heading off to work, and I'm sleeping home tonight, It's been a while you know" For some odd reason my voice sounded exhausted, even though I wasn't.Fisically.

"Oh, uhm ok then" He gave me a tight hug that filled my heart with warmth. "I'll call you later ok?" I nodded as a respponse and tossed all my bags over my shoulders, opening the door and walking towards the car.

I sat down in the drivers seat and connected my phone to the aux cord, playing some of my favorite songs from Conan Gray, Lookalike. 

  Can't redo what's already done
Can't compete 'cause I've already won
Sayin' this time, "It's really love"
But honey, you're not fooling anyone
Don't you know we're done?  

The deep lyrics started to consume my mind. I stopped focusing on the road and a bright light suddenly appeard in front of my eyes, soon enough everything around me was pitch black.

Jake's pov

I was eating breakfast in front of the TV, but I wasn't really paying attention to it. 

'LA's best female tattoo artist had a terrible car accident this morning on her way to work'

I heard the woman say.  I quicklygrabbed my phone  that was laying next to me and dialed May's number. "Come on, come on. Answer me!" I got more nervous by every second that passed. May didn't pick up her phone, I kept calling over and  over again "Fucking pick up the phone" My voice started to crack and several tears fell down my cheeks.

Several hours passed and I didn't hear anything from may. The news showed her crashed car, I knew it was her, and I was expecting the worst.

Suddenly someone called me. "Hello" The voice on the other side said. "am I talking to Webber?Jake Webber?" The woman asked

"Yes you are. Who is this?"I asked concerned.

"I am Marie Johnson from UCLA Medical Center. I'm calling because of Mayra Flores. You were the first contact in her phone, are you a friend or family member?"

"I-I am her boyfriend"

"Okay, well the doctors would like you to come as fast as possible to our medical center"

"Is she ok? Is she badly injured?"

"I can't give away that type of information over the phone,sir. It's just important that you come as fast as you can"

"Okay, thank you" I hung up and grabbed my car keys, running outside.

I arrived at the UCLA medical center and ran inside.

"Im here to visit Mayra Flores, you guys just called me"

"Name please" The grumpy old lady said.

"Jake Webber" Can this old lady hurry alredy? I thought to myself.

"Okay yeah, she is currently on the ICU and it says you have to go to talk to Dr. Wilson"

"W-Where can I find him"

The woman sighed "2nd floor room 209" 

I quickly ran up the stairs towards room 209and knocked on the wooden door.

"Come in"

I opened the door and walked inside.

"You must be Mr. Webber" I nodded. "Okay see, Mrs. Flores got in a terrible car crash this morning and suffered from 2 hemorrhages under wich there is an Epidural Hematoma, wich  is caused by tearsin arteries , resulting in a build-up of blood between the dura mater and skull; but she also has a Pulmonary hemorrhage wich is an acute bleeding from the lung, and if not treated immediately  it could be fatal"

"What do you mean by that doc?"

"We couldnt treat her immediately"


"She is currently on life support but we don't know how much time she has left. The best thing for her would be if you go to say goodbye to her now"

I stood up from the chair, with tears rolling down my cheeks. Why her? Why not me? she doesn't deserve to die.

The doc took me to the ICU where May was. It was a cold room, with nothing good at all, you walked in that room without positive thoughts.

There she was, tucked under the white hospital sheets, she looked weak, exhausted, but still fighting for her life. I sat down on the chair next to her bed. She held my hand, she was cold to the touch but I never felt so warm inside. My baby, you can't leave this world.

I started crying so much "You were the only person I was ever able to love unconditionally, but I never let you know that. I have put you through so much shit and know when I thought things were gonna get better..." May cut me off by squeezing my hand with all the strenght she still had inside of her.

"I dont care at all, I am not going to survive this, but I am so happy you are going to be the last person I will ever see"

I smiled at her but faced the ground immediatly.

"I love you Jake Webber" She let loose of my hand. I looked up at her just to see that she just passed in front of me. She was gone. Forever.

  Waking up at the crack of noon
Reminiscing of the times I'm waking up with you
I should leave, sell my shit, make some kind of moves
I'm lying to myself, I never leave this fucking room
I gotta pile of shit I haven't addressed, head is a mess
Check the 'scrip bottles, see if any are left

There's nothing, nowhere, but let's not even go there
I'm lucky if I wake up, let alone care
'Cause there's a fine line from who I am and who I wanna be
Amazed at what I find when I look within honestly

Leave my body by the liquor store
I'm an asshole, let me die slow
It's too late for me, can't you fucking see
I've dug my own grave, let me fucking be
Leave my body by the liquor store
I'm an asshole, let me die slow
It's too late for me, can't you fucking see
I've dug my own grave, let me fucking be

Don't even try to feed me all that "life is what you make it"
The reaper creeping slow, I know you see him when you dreaming
You posted at a party but he's in the dark scheming
And you keep telling me that life has some sort of meaning
So sorry if I'm pessimistic but I don't believe it

~He is perfect~ //Jake Webber//Where stories live. Discover now