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May's pov

What could be so bad to make Jake cry?

"Why are you crying Jake? What's wrong?" A tear rolled down my cheek.

"My mom got into a very bad car accident. The doctors said it's a miracle she's still alive" He looked me in the eyes. "I have to go back to Kansas for a few months"

"W-wait, you have to go back to Kansas?!" I was freaking out.

"Yes babe, but you can stay at the Trap House while I'm gone, I alredy talked about it with Devyn and the guys. You can sleep in my room if you want to" he smiled at me. "It will be ok, I promise"
He pulled me into a tight hug.

"Ok then. When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow evening" He stopped smiling and a sad look appeared on his face.

"WHAT?!" I was so sad.

"I'm sorry..."
Jake walked out of the room and went to the kitchen to grab some snacks. I texted Cass to ask her if she could bring my clothes to the Trap House.
A few minutes later Cass was downstairs with all my stuff.

"Ok, here you go bud, all your stuff" She said wiping the sweat off of her forehead.

"Can you take care of Copia and Emeritus while I'm here?" ( Copia and Emeritus are my pet rats)

"Uhmm no. I love you so much, but Copia fucking hates me and I do not want to be murdered, so I brought them as well"
I started laughing a little, Cass can act like a complete bitch, but she's an amazing friend.

I walked over to Cass' car to go get Copia and Emeritus. Suddenly I heard a deep familiar voice. Colby Brock.
I turned around to say hi but before I could say something, he grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me back into the house.

"W-what is wrong Colby?" I stuttered. Obviously I was extremely confused.

"Just shut up, I want to talk to you"

We "ran" to his room and he sat me down on the couch. He looked nervous.

"Ok what was all that about?" I was a little mad at him.

(A/N let's just pretend Jake and May are dating for 2 months now bc I say so)
"Well... A few days ago Jake, Brennen and I were at a party at Jade's house, ya know, my goth friend?" I nodded. "So Jake got a little drunk you know... and uhmm... It didn't go very well"

"What do you mean?"

"Brennen and I saw Jake going upstairs with Jade to her room, so I decided to follow them. I walked into the room and they were half naked and making out. I stopped them, but still..."

"Are you fucking kidding me? What the actual fuck!" I was extremely pissed. I didn't know if I should believe him, since Jake never told me about a party at Jade's place. I knew something wasn't right.
I decided to talk with Jake, and he said that it never happened and that he never went to a party at Jade's. I believed him, for now.
I was going to stay at the Trap House while Jake was gone either way. I needed to find out what was happening.

ok no BUt I'm sorry bout this chapter. I wanted to make it interesting but I am extremely stressed out rn. Summer vacation just started and I failed for 3 classes SO I have foking exams next week that will decide my final grade and I honestly just wanna cry.

~He is perfect~ //Jake Webber//Where stories live. Discover now