Chapter 11

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I jolt awake to the sound of a shout. I look around, my heart in my throat.

"You ok?" Calum asks. I nod and swallow my false fear.

Ashton's eyes are fixed on the TV screen, as well as Calum's. I look to it and end up just like them, mouth slightly open. It takes me a minute to realize that I can see normally.

I blink in astonishment, but I'm quickly distracted again.

My favorite movie trilogy ever plays, the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King.

"You got him to watch this?" I ask Ashton. He nods.

"Yeah, I love these movies." Calum says.

"Really?!" I ask.

"No. I honestly don't know why I'm still here." he says, getting up.

"There's food." I remind him. He takes a detour towards the pantry.

He returns with 2 bags of chips and his backpack. "See ya tommorow." he says, slamming the door.

I run over and lock it before he can make up a stupid excuse to strangle me and feel me up.

Ashton giggles as I scurry back over. "Please tell me there was no blood shed other than mine." I say to break the silence.

"Come here." he says. He holds out his arms and I snuggle up. He cradles me, covering my entire face with kisses.

"I'm tryin' to watch the movie." I say giggling.

"You've already seen this like a thousand times. Besides, aren't I more important?" He wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me to him. He kisses me, and when I say that I mean tounge.

I pull back, "Jesus! How many girls have you kissed like this?"

"Just you." he says, smiling cheekily.

"For real? I don't care if you've kissed other girls. I don't care if you've slept with them! I love you." I say.

"Really. Why do you ask?" he says. His smile fades into a look of curiosity.

"It just seems like you've... had a lot of practice..." I say, smiling.

He giggles, "Less talky, more kissy!" He pulls me down on top of him, kissing me ferociously. After, like, 5 minutes he starts to pull my shirt up.

"Hey!" I say, yanking it back down.

"What? Are you a virgin or something?" he asks, quirking an eyebrow.

"I'm extra virgin." I correct him, booping his nose.

He laughs, "Me too."

I lay my head on his chest, still a bit tired. His heartbeat is really fast, but so is mine.

"Are you nervous or something?" I ask him after a long pause.

"Kinda..." he mumbles, "I've liked you for a long time and now I finally have you to myself. I just don't want to screw anything up."

"I've always liked you too. I'm just super awkward. I don't want to screw anything up either..." I wisper.

"Huh...nervous love...instead of skinny love." he explains.

"I guess so." I lean over his face. His eyes are closed, but he smiles.

"I'm hungry" I wisper.

"Go to the pantry." he matches my tone.

I can't help but laugh.


I put my stuff in my locker and pull out my backpack.

"Boo!" Ash says, grabbing my arms suddenly.

I jump, "God Jesus, you scared the shit out if me."

He giggles and I can't help but smile. "Here, let me hold your books for you." he offers.

I smile and hand them to him. He drops them on his feet. "God, you're acting like me; clumsy!" I poke.

He grabs my wrists and pulls them behind my back, breathing heavily on my neck. "You're blushing," he wispers. He's right. "Who's the clumsy one now?"

I poke him in the stomach and he let's go of my hands.

"Still you." I mock as he picks up my stuff. He shoves it in the bag and we run for the bus.

"So I was thinking you wanna do something on Saturday?" he asks as we take our seats.

Sara is nowhere to be seen. Calum glances at me, sitting in the seat behind us.

"Tommorow?" I ask.

"Yes...?" he says.

"Like what?"

"I was thinking we could go to the bookstore." he says.

"Aw, that would be great!" I exclaim. He smiles.

"Yeah, I've got some money from my job there, plus an employee discount." he says.

"You're too good to me!" I say, kissing him on the cheek.

"I know." he says with a giggle. His laugh is the reason I exist, I swear!

The bus screetches to a hault and he gets up. "See ya tommorow!" he says.

He kisses me before getting off the bus.


Aw, they're going on a date!


Sorry, I had to take care of that.

We had a 20 minute screaming session over these $175 tickets each...for four people. Tbh it's so worth it.

I don't mean to rub this in or anything, I'm just really excited. Sending you 13635763 internet hugs from your sunshine if you didn't get a chance.

Ilysm guys and so does your sunshine💕🌞 ~ S.S.

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