Chapter 17

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Calum's POV

"I love you." I say, but she slams the door before the words leave my lips.

I sigh and wave to her. Once she's inside I back out of the driveway.

"Fuck." Micheal mutters.

I stop the car and he gets out. He sits in the front seat and we resume conversation. "You like her too." he says.

"Well no dip shit. What's not to like." I say.

He nods his head in agreement.

"Ok, who is 'you know who?'" he asks.

I sigh, "Well, you know that Ashton guy," He nods and I continue. "He, um, passed away in a car wreck. She was really close with him and she's broken up about it."

"Oh..." he says blankly.

"Yeah, I've been there for her as much as possible, but I'm not sure if it's enough. Even when she smiles she looks sad." I add.

"It just kills you, doesn't it?" Micheal asks.

I sigh again, "Pretty much. I feel especially awful because I, influencing him to back off her. I guess that was his way...I just made things worse."

"No, man. You can swoop in and save her. You can be with her so she isn't alone." he says.

"No. She'll never get over him." I say sadly.

"Alright, fine. Then I'll do it." he says.

"Back the fuck off." I say with a slight grin.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and hand it to Micheal. "Can you see what that says? And don't pull any bullshit on me." I say.

After a minute of trying to figure out my password, Micheal says, "It's from her."

"Read it!" I say.

"Right, umm. I'm grounded for a week but I'm still allowed to call you. Don't read this while you're driving," he reads. "So she calls you?"

"Yeah, well, I call her. I just check up on her and stuff. Every night at 10. I don't want her to leave me. I have a feeling that's what would happen if I didn't say anything. She'd end up like him." I say.

"Soo...what do you want me to say back?" he asks.

I shrug, "Ok, talk to you tonight? I don't know."

He types in something as I pull into his driveway.


Sydney's POV

It's been a month since things went sour.

I still cry, but not as often. I go to his memorial whenever I can. I pray to God to protect him and me. I wish things were different, but they aren't.

School ended, my mom still drinks, my dad left again (this time for a month), Calum still calls, he Mikey and I still go on "not dates."

It's pretty much the same.

Except one thing: frequency; We go on "not dates" a lot more and he calls me twice a day.

"Do you think you've moved on?" he asks one day.

He, Mikey, and I went to get Ice cream.

"A little." I admit. He wraps his arm around my shoulder. He's been a lot more touchy-feely.

Charlie has changed a lot, too. She's a bit of a bad girl and started dating Luke. They make a pretty cute couple, I must admit. Sometimes they go on "not dates" with us, but not today. It's just me, Cal, and Mikey.

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