Chapter 5

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This morning when I get on the bus, Sara isn't there. I gulp as I sit down, scooting to the window.

I'll greet death as an old friend. (Another reference)

Calum swings in next to me, smirking.

We make our way along the highway to school.

I haven't breathed much, I haven't moved at all.

"Ya know, Thomas," I hate when he says my last name, "I'm gonna have to kill you..." His voice is dead calm as he slams my head against the window.

"What was that?" the bus driver shouts.

"...Sorry...I-I dropped something." I shout back.

Calum's eyes flicker with malice. "Good choice." he wispers.

He wraps his hands around my neck, squeezing tighter as I breath. I begin to see black spots.

The kid sitting across from Calum tells him to stop, shaking his arm.

Calum releases my neck, but snatches my shirt, giving me one last punch in the nose.

We jolt to a hault, then he gets out of my seat.

I gasp for breath, regaining vision. I taste blood, my nose is bleeding.

"Hey, you ok?" the kid across from me asks.

"Yeah...thanks." I'm still catching my breath.

"I'll take you to the nurse. Im Ashton." he says, flashing a weak smile.

I smile back, "Thank you so much."


"So what the hell is his deal?" Ashton asks.

My arm is wrapped around his shoulder as we stumble through the hall.

"That's Calum. Ever since I met him, he's hated me." I explain.

"He totally likes you." he says, rolling his eyes.

"He's a bastard." I state.

Ashton laughs, helping me sit in the nurse's office.

"Thank you so much!" I say again.

"It's nothing. I didn't catch your name?" he says.

"Sydney." I tell him.

He smiles and walks to class.


I think I'm in love.

Ashton literally saved my life! I have to find him.

I'm late to first bell (French class), so I practically run. I step in just as the bell rings.

My nose is still bleeding as I take my seat.

"Goodmorning class." Ms. Simon says in French.

"Goodmorning." we mumble.

"Sydney, what happend to you?" she asks.

I fidgit in my seat. I can feel Calum's eyes burning holes through me.

"Uh...allergies..." I say.

We're only allowed to speak in French during class; no English.

"Do you need a tissue?" "Yes."

When I get up, Calum makes eye contact with me. He squints, holding up his fist.


I stumble through the day, searching feverishly for Ashton.

After school I go to the library. It's the only place Calum can't get me. I'll just walk home.

I pull up a seat and silently complete my homework. I pack up and that's when I spot him.

I walk over, tapping him on the shoulder.

He turns around and smiles, a dimple in his cheek.

"Hey, listen. You saved my life back there and...I...just wanted to say thank you again." I wisper.

"Oh, it's nothing. You might want to cover your neck, though. It looks like you have hickeys." he wispers, leaning in close.

I bite my lip as he turns back to his book.

I start to walk to the door, but stop myself.

I grab his phone out of his pocket and enter in my number. I slide it back quietly, without him noticing, then go to leave.

"Sydney, wait!" Ashton says.

I turn around, supressing a smile.

"You dropped this." he says.

He holds out "the Fellowship of the Ring."

"Thanks." I take it from him and our hands touch.

He smiles and I smile then the next thing I know, I'm hugging him.

"Sorry, I just..." my voice trails off.

I let go of him and we both blush. I walk out of the building, my cheeks still red.


Hello fellow awkward person! (Btw I'm talking to Sydney 😆)

So guess what? My "growth plates are inflamed" from summer gym. Woopdy fucking doo!

It's basically another way of saying I've injured my ankles for the 12th time. And, yes, I've been keeping track.

At least now I don't have to run and do fucking P90X.

My friend keeps calling me a pussy for "chickening out on everything" and "whining all the time." I was absent and she texted me saying, "It's do much quieter. A lot less complaining."

You know who you are.

Sorry about my rant, have an amazing day! ~S.S.

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