Chapter 7

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"Please, sir. I know he deserves to be expelled! But he lives on my street, if he gets expelled I won't be able to leave the house!" I explain.

Calum and my friends went back to class, but Ashton insisted on staying.

"I understand." he says.

"Will I be excused from missing class time, sir. Mr. Peetry is giving a quiz and I would like to be prepared." I continue.

"Don't worry about that. You need to stay home for a few days. We'll let your teachers know. As for you, young man, you need to get back to class."

I don't want Ashton to leave. I don't want to feel exposed.

Ashton nods, getting up. His hand touches the doorknob, but he turns back around. He leans over and kisses me on the forehead.

"Stay safe." he wispers.

"Same to you." I wisper back.

The principal smiles as Ashton leaves.

"I assume you don't want him to be penalized for violence?" he says. I nod, chewing on my tounge.

"You know, he was the one who got someone. He carried you here. You've got good friends, too. Keep them close." he says.

"Thank you, sir." I mumble.

"Pack up your stuff. You can go home early. Hey, let someone know if he hurts you." he says, standing up abruptly.

"Ok. I just don't want anyone to worry about me." I say.

I push through the door and to my locker.

The empty hallway echoes with my footsteps as I go to put everything in my book bag.

I keep expecting Calum to be right behind me. I feel like I'm being watched, but when am I not?

I walk home, all the way home. It's a long, fearful walk for me. I take the long way home, so I get there 10 minutes before the bus does.

I listen to music as I walk, Bastille (duh).

I finally get to my house, just as I hear the bus pull up. I sigh and lean against the door, my legs burning.

"Mom, I'm home!" I call in a hoarse voice.

She shushes me as I trudge up the stairs.


I don't show up for the next 2 days, (plus the weekend) as ordered by the principal. I finish my book report and all the homework I grabbed before I left.

On Tuesday I get a phone call at 4 in the morning.

"Hello?" I answer, rubbing sleep from my eyes.

"Hello, Ms. Thomas?" It's the principal.

"Yes, sir."

"We expect to see you at school today." he says.

"Yes, I will be there."

"Alright, thank you." with that he hangs up.

Fuck, I have to go to school.

Just one more hour...


My alarm clock buzzes, jolting me awake. I throw on some clothes, brush my teeth, and put on some makeup. I toss my mop of hair into a messy bun and eat a small breakfast.

I repack my book bag and grab a granola bar from the pantry. I munch as I walk to the bus stop, crossing my fingers that Calum isn't there early.

I almost choke when I see him standing there, his back to me. There's no use in hiding, so I stand next to him.

His expression is vacant as he looks up at the lightening sky.

"I'm not allowed to lay a hand on you anymore." he says suddenly.

I crumple the wrapper and stuff it in my pocket.

"Thanks to that boy..." his voice trails off.

I gulp.

"I prefer you hurt me than him!" I say.

He looks over at me and smirks, chuckling a bit.

I really want to slap it off of his face.

"Aw. It's that adorable." he says in monotone.

"I'm being serious." I say.

After a long silence, Calum speaks up again. "You know, they only said I'm not allowed to touch you. I can say whatever I want. And you're a dirty goddamn motherfucker." He's really smirking now.

"Say whatever you like." I tease.

He turns and punches me in the stomach. I spit out my granola bar on the sidewalk.

"No one to prove that I did that." he says, shrugging and smirking.

The bus pulls up and I get on without a word.

"Where the hell were you?!" Sara asks.

I take I breath to keep myself from punching her.

"I was, uh, sick with...strep throat." I lie.

Ashton isn't on the bus this morning. For some reason, this really worries me.


I stay in the library after school, looking for Ashton.

His stuff is there, so I sit by it.

I tap my fingers on the table until he comes back.

"Hey!" I says with a smile.

"Did you miss the bus this morning?" I ask.

"Yeah. My shitty alarm clock didn't go off." he explains.

"Hey I know this is kinda sudden, and I just met you but...will you be my girlfriend?" he asks.

A smile bursts across my face. I hug him again, but with more confidence. I let go reluctantly.

"Yes!" I wisper.

He smiles and kisses me on the cheek.

Someone shushes us. I look around to see a table full of people looking at us.

Calum is one of them.


I'm so so so so sooo sorry for not updating in a while!

I just went on the longest vacation I've ever been on. We went to California and It was my first time there. First we were in San Diego and then we drove to L.A.

I haven't forgotten about you guys 😘

I didn't have wifi for most of the trip, but I thought about publishing this a lot.

I love you! Please don't forget to vote and comment ~S.S.

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