My Rythm

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A/N: Lets all pretend that Sophie is that girl up there, looking all pretty. This is my first fanfic so it might suck and not make sens,  so yeah...

This is Sophie's house her room is on the 4th floor with the balcony and the spiral stairs .


 Sophie woke up with her blinds up, and balcony door open

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Sophie woke up with her blinds up, and balcony door open. Sophie got up, stretched a bit, and walked over to her balcony. Inhaling the early autumn breeze, she gazed at the sun's reflection on the river, it was pumpkin orange. She could stand there and watch the water's stillness forever. Today is her first day and first time to go to school. Sophie's been home schooled all her life, and today will change all that. She sighed heavily. She will be going to the most elite and private high school, the one and only... ( Drum roll please) ... Foxfire Academy. Only people with a high IQ or with a tremendous amount of money can attend Foxfire Academy, and Sophie has a really high IQ due to her photographic memory and intelligence. Her adoptive parents (Grady and Edaline) has made a fortune by working with exotic animals. They want her to attend Foxfire Academy so she can gain some friends. Well, she had a friend once, but he left without saying a word. He was her childhood friend- best friend, they laughed together, cried together, and made songs together. Now loneliness is her companion. Music became her road to happiness, and singing as her wings. Singing was the only way she could fly away from reality .

Sophie gets dressed into her uniform (the pic at the top before her house), humming her favorite song Riptide. She pulls her blonde silky hair up into a simple ponytail, slips on a black overcoat, and places a pure white pancake flower, that a childhood friend gave her, over her right ear (the flower is down bellow). She faces her huge mirror, staring into her  brown-golden fleck -eyes, thinking of how ugly they look. She plasters on her fake smile, and grabs her stuff. Sophie runs downstairs to eat breakfast with Edaline. Grady has work in the morning and comes home at the afternoon. As Sophie comes rushing down, she trips on the last step and face plants onto the floor. "Humph!!! REALLY, THE FIRST THING IN THE MORNING!!" cries Sophie, displaying a new cut on her forehead.

 "Humph!!! REALLY, THE FIRST THING IN THE MORNING!!" cries Sophie, displaying a new cut on her forehead

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"Sweetie, you should really be more careful next time. Although I would rather there be no next time, you almost gave yourself a concussion!" Edaline told her as she cleaned out the gash. Sophie had broken the record of the most doctor visits.

"Please, Edaline, stop worrying about me. I'm 15 now..." Sophie trailed off, as she looks down at her watch with wide eyes." OH NO!! I'm going to be late! This is why I'd rather be home schooled!!" Sophie screeched, slipping on her glimmering, black flats.  She shoves her french toast in her mouth, and chugs her milk down to clear her throat. Edaline watches her panic and starts to chuckle, while Sophie gives her a glare. "To the car." she simpered. Sophie leaps out the door, followed by Edaline, and they dash to their car. The shimmering red Bugatti lays waiting for them, and they race to Foxfire Academy.

Minutes later, at the massive gate of Foxfire Academy, Sophie could see the silhouette of a student, leaning against the marble pillars

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Minutes later, at the massive gate of Foxfire Academy, Sophie could see the silhouette of a student, leaning against the marble pillars. Sophie assumed it was a boy by the uniform. The boy's face was covered with a sign that brought butterflies to her stomach. She read over the sign with stretched eyes; Sophie Foster, Welcome to Foxfire Academy!!.

"I believe this is your stop, and it looks like some one is waiting for you." Edaline nodded at the boy. Sophie shot a glance at the boy, and kissed her mother's cheek. Sophie slowly got out of the car, one dazzling foot after another, and waved good bye as the vehicle pulled away .

She turned around, and gazed into the icy blue eyes of the boy...

A/N: AAAHHHH, I know it's terrible but what do you expect it's my fist fanfic. Sorry if Keefe is not here yet ... I know I kinda made it cheesy with all the singing and music stuff, oh well. Be sure to read the next one, and please leave a comment down below. Hope you liked it though.

~CrisS out * salutes*<3

E/N: Hey, Hey, Hey, first chapter done and edited. How exciting. But there is more to come, so be on the look out. BYIEEE!!!


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