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A/N: I know its been almost forever since i've posted. So here it is~~ 

Hope you enjoy.~~;D~~~


*Sigh dreamily* I'm so lucky to have Keefe as a boyfriend, he's so funny, hot, and rich. Any way Enough about him and more about me!! I'm soooooo pretty, adorable, cute, beautiful, popular, Filthy rich, kind, smart, and everybody loves me, Like who doesn't?! "Miss Vacker, please pay attention." Mrs. Galvin yelled, she is super anoying. I just rolled my eyes and said " Actually it's future Mrs. Sencen, please get it right." Everyone giggled at Mrs. Galvin's steam cumming out of the teachers ears. Before she could shout.


The bell rescued me from the torturous Mrs. Galvin. I quickly got up and sashay away from there. While I strutted to my locker, I smiled at the jealous dorky girls, and at the 'drooly boys', giggling about how they don't stand a chance. When I got to my locker, I found my BFF, Meruca waiting for me. " BIANA, GUESS WHAT!!!!" She shrieked.

"Um 2 things, 1: Meruca you're like 10 inches away from me so no need to scream, and 2: What!?" I screamed back. Then Maruca looked around hoping no one was eavesdropping. She narrowed her eyes and took my ear.

"Keefe was cought with another girl, outside of school. And rumors say that Keefe and the girl was hugging. And get this she goes to our school." She whispered with concern. The news was a nightmare. 

"Yeah right. I love Keefe and Keefe LOVES me, ok ME!!" I shouted bitterly, pointing to myself. Maruca just stood there in front of me crossing her arms, and gave me a look that says are you sure about that?  "Do you have any proof?" I whispered, trying not to cry and ruin my make up. Maruca held her phone to my face showing a picture of Keefe hugging a girl with gold-blonde hair, with the same school uniform. The picture was like a slap in the face, Keefe never hug me like that, I was jealous. I wanted to grab Maruca's phone and chuck it across the hallway, but before I could do that she took my arm and shook her head. So instead I ran across the hall crying, and covered my face so no one could see my ugly make up running down my face. I ran to the nearest rest room and sobbed, my make up is all washed away making my face look all plain and ugly ( like her heart, wait she doesn't have one!).

 I was Furious, not at Keefe. At the girl. After stalling, I insert my make up, making myself look better, prettier, and hotter so Keefe wouldn't look at that girl twice, and just look at me, take me by the hand and propose to me!! I sashay out of the girls washroom, looking refreshed and plastered a fake smile. When I got out to the courtyard I clutched my fists from what I saw, Keefe with another girl

A/N: YO PEEPS Sorry for taking forever. I was busy working on another Fanfic that is coming soon btw, it's called Play Pretend (sokeefe fanfic), so yah u peeps should check it out!! Please vote or comment down bellow or both if you like it. K BYEE.<3;D

-CrisisS out *solute*<3

PS- this fanfic may look rushed cuz it is  

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