"Cannon Ball!!"

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O.M.G.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have 1.7k views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo happy!!!! Thank you guys so so so sooooooooooooooo much for reading!! And I know I haven't been updating lately, but thats because I have strict parents and they want me to study more!! *groans!!!*. But anyways- * reaches through the screen and gives giant bear hug*. I love ya'll. Please keep reading! <3<3


" You know Keefe. Sophie, you're childhood friend seems ..." Really Beautiful. I finished in my head, but said aloud - slightly blushing, " nice." I glanced at Keefe who looked a bit uneasy, then he quickly smirked. Hmmm?

" Huh? what is this Fitzy did you just say that my CBFF. ( Childhood Best Friend Forever) '...seems Really Beautiful'?" cocking his head with one raised eyebrow. " Because that's what I heard."

" WAIT! I said that out loud?!" I panicked. 

" Chill. So, um... you fancy her, huh?" there must be some meaning behind what he said- but I was too busy scowling, until my phone rang. It was an alarm.

" Oh, it's time." I said. Keefe and I trotted back outside -- where the party is being held. Before I got on stage for some announcements, I turned to Keefe and said " And, oh-uh, yes I actually kinda... like her." and winked at him, and returned me a wink and a smirk. 

I walked on stage, and searched for a golden-blonde haired girl, Sophie.  " attention every one." as I wait to for everyone's attention, I found her... with Keefe? " ahem, Everyone thank you for coming to our party. Right now ladies, please proceed over there behind the black curtains. We will start the swimsuit competition!" The crowd cheered as Girls giggled their way behind the curtains. I turned my attention back at Keefe and Sophie and watched Sophie refuse until Keefe whispered something in her ear. Their face was inches apart from each other. Sophie nodded hesitantly and whispered something back which made Keefe smirk. I felt so betrayed. Both Keefe and Sophie walked in opposite directions.


I have the worst life ever!!!! I have the worst family! My so called 'girlfriend' is someone i don't love! And My best friend likes Foster! The girl I'm in love with. But I can't confess my love to Sophie. I would lose my best friend. I harshly ran my hand through my hair as I walk away from the stage. I looked around and spotted a blonde haired girl, Foster. I approached her silently, sneaking form behind, but before I could scare her. She whipped her head around." Ah HA!"

" Aww c'mon!! Way to kill the fun Foster!" I complained.

Sophie smirked. " You know I can hear your footsteps, right?" She cocked her head, with a one raised eyebrow. " To be honest I think the whole world heard you sneaking be hind me."

WOW! how did she get sooooo snarky? " Y'know. the old Foster I know would'v-"

"Attention Everyone!" Both me and Foster turned our heads at Fitz. I noticed that his gaze fell towards me and Sophie. hmm. Fitz cleared his throat," Everyone, thank you for coming to our party. Right now, ladies, please proceed over there behind the black curtains. We will start the swimsuit competition!" He announced with a grim look coming to my direction. All guys hooted while the girls giggled their way behind the curtains. 

" There is no WAY, in my life, I'm doing this!" Foster stepped back. I walked closer to her taking her hand and make sure she's looking into my eyes.

"Look. I now you don't want to do this but, you might regret not doing this in the future." I told her.

"I would never regret not doing this!" She retorted. AWWW she's so cute when she tries to argue with me! TT///3///TT 

" True. But!!! Isn't it your first time being in a party? You should make the most out of this!" I lightly squeezed her hand. Foster looked away, probably considering my statement. I leaned closer to her ear. I whispered, " Here, how about this #$#$#%$#%$%$#$ (whispering a plan)" I stepped back, so she could think it over. I swore she looked a bit pink, but it was a bit dark to tell.

She finally nodded slowly in response. My lips curled into a smirk. Before I let go, she tugged my arm and took my ear. " Be sure to #$%#$%#$%#% (whispering a plan.)" 

We Both shook our hands and handed her my sunglasses, then head the opposite direction. 


"ARHG!! I can't believe I'm doing this!" I muttered, as I try to catch up with Linh, behind the curtains. 

Inside, there was a huddle of Hot, Gorgeous,Cute, Sexy, Flirty and did I mention HOT -- teen girlzzzz in their showing-tooooooo0o0o0-much-skin-swimsuits that you could almost classify them as strings. I noticed that Fitz's sister is the lead of the line, though I'm not that surprised. Biana was wearing a rahter frilly, close to being translucent, hot pink swimsuit. 

" Hey Sophie!!" A familliar voice called out from the back of a very endless line. It was Linh waving her arms around. A smile crawled on my face as I walked at the back of the line. " Gosh aren't you excited!!??" She squealed.

AAHHH. HECK NO!! I thought grumpily. But said aloud, " Sure." With a fake smile on.  Linh giggled and elbowed my rib playfully.

"C'mon! Don't worry! Last year when I came, I got third Place!." She stated. 

"Uh. Probably because you're cute!" I told her. I mean, She looks like an exotic asian chick! (Btw that was supposed to be a compliment. And btw I'm also... Asian.)

"No." She sighed, "It's because, I owned the catwalk! I had fun!" She held my hands, Her pale blue eyes flamed with dedication," I didn't regret." WOW I never knew she could be this competitive with this competition.

" Wow. That was um... inspiring." I noted out loud. "But Linh. Why are you so wholehearted with this swimsuit competition?" I asked, "I mean, isn't it just a game?" Linh smiled.

"Yeah, I guess you could call it a game. But if I didn't do it I'd just regret it for the rest of my life." Linh shook her head.

"Even if it's embarrassing?" I fidgeted with Keefe's sunglasses. 

"Even If it's embarrassing." She proclaimed with a genuine smile. I smiled too, but it fell the moment When Fitz Called the first one in the line out.

As soon as Biana unlatched the curtain and opened it, the crowd of boys roared. Most girlz from the back can't really see what was happening from outside, so we watched through a flat screen tv from inside. The tv was in half, the left side was a view of Biana's graceful glides and fierceful struts. The right screen shows numbers of votes, and apparently she has 100 votes.

WOW, That's alot of votes! Biana plastered a smug smirk, and turned towards me with a Beat That Loser!.

Most girls cheered for Biana's success. As The next girl went out, Biana moved to a large mirror in a gold flawless frame, and started to admire herself. 

Linh and I shared a long eyeroll.

The line grew shorter and shorter, as my stomach collected more butterflies. Now It's just me and Linh holding each other's hands and mumbles wishes of luck. 


It's almost Foster's turn, and I know she'll do amazing! She'll be the BOMB!!

AN: Took 4ever huh? Well I hoped ya'll enjoyed! Vote, comment, and keep reading!!!!

~CrisisS out<3<3<3 

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