"Cannonball!!" part 3

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Eh, PEEEPS!! Just so everyone knows this is not edited, most of my chapter and stories aren't, but yeah hope you peeps would like this one. It took me a while cuz I got a writers block, so with that I tried to make it as long as possible. Thanks for your understanding. 


So here's the plan Keefe told me. "Here, how about this. Wear my sunglasses if you're having a hard time looking at people in the eyes, and keep your eyes glued on me."

 And so I did as soon I set a foot out. I found Keefe at tip of the a catwalk, gesturing me to smile. So a I flashed a smirk. The crowd cheered. Which gave a wave of confidence. I held my chin high as I carefully stride. I replayed the second part of his plan.

 " Wear your hair in a loose messy bun before you walk out," check, "after about five steps, that's when you dramatically swish your hair around." I can't believe he was serious about that. And I can't believe myself for doing it. 

I 'dramatically' pulled my scrunchie (<<did I spell that right?), letting my golden locks spill onto my shoulders. I slowly shook my head to undo some naughts, as every guy whooped and gawked. 

I blushed like wild fire when Fitz tossed a dark rich red rose, and landed on my palms, then winked at me. I grinned at his direction and settled back on Keefe. Though his eyes looked like something was bothering him.

With worry, I stumbled. I heard the faintest chuckle behind the curtains, and surely it was Biana. Everything was happening so so fast. The crowd slowly gasps, as I close my eye as the ground got closer to my face.

 Then I heard Biana say "What a pathetic loser.". I immediately snapped my eyes open from the trance. I quickly did a front flip to a double full flip, that uncle Sandor taught me. I landed 6 feet away from the tip of the runway, facing the curtains. I saw Linh whistling and Biana shocked and frustrated. The bloody red rose lay at the middle of the paseo.

 I smoothly turned around, Keefe threw a fist in the air in triumph, then Fitz did too. I was surprised the sunglasses was still on my face during the flips. I wheezed for air before finishing my presentation.

According to Keefe's plan, "Head to the pool, and show them whose boss!" 

The pool is only 10 feet away from the catwalk, and Sandor trained me to do 15 feet long leaps every morning before breakfast. But their deep end isn't for another 8 feet for what I'm gonna do, and I only have 6 feet for my running start. Then I guess I have to take a couple of steps back. I did the similar flips, back to where the rose was positioned. I cautiously picked it up, and thank God it didn't have any thorns, I place it between my bottom and top lips, and winked at every one -- not literally every single one though, that would be too many and and too long. ( cringe right??)

 Now I have about 14 feet, perfect.

I planted my bare foot forward. In an instant second, I charged like a bull chasing a daunting red flag hovering over the deep end of the pool. My heart was doing a loud tap dance that echoed into my ears, as i got closer, closer, and closer to the end of the walkway, I can't even hear my thumping feet running. Then BAM!

I spring over the male crowd, while their eyes gape open as they watch. I coudn't blame them, it was an impressive jump, even I was surprise, I was about ten feet above them so....

As fast as I could I took the rose outa' my mouth, lift Keefe's sunglasses off of my eyes and dropped at them at Keefe, as I curled into a ball. Then hollered, "CANNONBALL!!".



She did it! "That's my gur-" I caught myself from finishing, cause' the Fitzster would probably hear me. I turned behind me, towards Fitz. His jaw is on the ground collecting flies and his eyes is probably bigger than the moon. I sighed heavily as I stride to him.

 There was a stunned silence that lasted for 30 seconds, then all the guys blinked and erupted like fireworks with amazement.  (did that even make sense?)

Fitz finally shook out of the gaze when I cleared my throat. "So what's the score?" I asked. Fitz nodded and glanced at his phone, where everyone is connected and able to vote.


3rd POV

" Everyone please gather around, I'll be announcing the winners!" Fitz called through he mike. Linh ran to Sophie with a dry white towel, and draped it around her. Biana and her girlzz sashayed with confidence to the stage. And Keefe stood beside Fitz, cockyly smirking.

"For 3rd place the winner is..... Maruca!" Maruca gasped in excitement, she went on stage and retrieved a fancy written sash that says 'Third Place'.  She stood in the middle of the stage. 

"Next, for 2nd place is..... Linh Song!" Both Sophie and Linh squealed loud enough to shatter glass. Linh hoped on stage and got her second place sash, and joined Maruca .

"And last, but not least, for 1st place is..... a tie between Sophie Foster and Biana!" Sophie stood in shock while Biana gaped in horror. But Biana, without any hesitation went on stage and dragged both Fitz and Keefe to back stage.  



"How are both tied?!" I shrieked in terror. " It must be some sort of glitch or a miscount. Yeah that must be it, a miscount. No one can be as good as me." I told Fitz but mostly to myself.

But Fitz shook his head "Nope, the votes can't lie."

"C'mon Keefie back me up!" I turned to Keefe. But he just held his hands out and stepped back. AURGH!!

"I declare a rematch!" I crossed my arms angrily.

"Well actually Keefe and I thought of a talent show, to determine who is 1st." Fitz said, calmly. 

Ooo a talent show eh, I know I'll win win for sure! 

"K, fine by me." I said cooling down, "Make sure you reserve 1st place for me, k brother?" I studied my nails.

"No promises." Fitz stated, with glints of confidence in his eyes.

How was that? 1072 words, a lot right?? Please vote, comment, and keep reading!!!

~CrisisS out *salute* <3<3<3<3<3

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