Finnish My Story

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I might write the chapter but there's a high chance I wont write it at all sooooooooo--

Scince I haven't had the time or the mind to finnish this story, I'm opening a chance for those who has enjoyed the story and create a chapter!

(If you want, or you can continue on shoving the comments with "UPDATE PLEZZZZZZ!!!!".)


There will be a writing prompt below for the beging. Which is pretty short and broad enough for you to place your plots. Feel free to edit the prompt if there's errors.

Please no curses. I'd like to keep the story overall appropriate.

Dm me when you finnish the chapter.

And I'll give a shout out to you, if you chapter gets chosen.

I have no word limmits.

I'll set the due date when more of you guys comment saying that you want to do it.

I might add more rules later...

Too Hot!!

"Too hot," Sophie said bluntly. "Are you trying to burn my tongue?" Biana brought Sophie sooooo many cups of water that Sophie's statement is really Biana's secret petition.

"Yes." Biana's teal eyes became sharper than sea glass.

Sophie challenged her glare. "Welp, this has to do." Sophie sighed not dropping their staring contest. 

"OOH! A staring contest! Can I join?" Linh hopped like a little bunny.

Biana rolled her eyes breaking the tension. "You guys are such lo-" Her sentence was cut in by a whole lot of banging on Chemistry classroom door.

"Tammy!!??" Linh cried when the door revieled, a tall boy who resembles Linh "I though you were your band trip?"

"Told you it's Tam! I'm not five!!" He rolled his similar pale eyes, "Anyways I just literally quite the band. The trip was mostly me running around like their errand their little errand boy." He sighed.

"Yay! You can join us!" Linh burst, pionting Biana and I.


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