The Show of the Night

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EHHH! I just got 4k!! That means this chapter will be long enough! A reason why it took  forever to write this. But anyways *BIIIG HUG*, YOU ALL are AWESOME! Thank you for reading, and sticking with me!* Got pic from google* Btw, my next chapter,I'm going to send a drawing I drew!


Keefe's POV

~Lil' Intro~

"You don't know anything about me." I was getting the mic ready for the "talent competition", till I heard Foster's voice, talking to Biana.

" Keefe told me stuff about you, back when we were younger. He said, you were such a cry baby." 

A total lie! I brag about her awesome singing, most of the time. I only told that when Foster's in trouble I'm always her hero!  

"Be glad Keefie is nice enough to be friends with a loser like you." Oh she did not just say that, before I could march in there and defend Foster, Foster spoke up.

"first off: he hates being called 'Keefie'"  

I knew Foster understand me! 

"; second: I agree, Keefe is too good for me to be friends with him." 

What is she saying?

"But I'm thankful to have him back as a friend." 

Her words made my chest both heavy and light, of course as a friend

"Sure whatever you say." Biana sounds edgy, "Just stay away from my boyfriend, then life would be much easier for you." Wow, can't believe this chick is crazy about me, sad I don't really feel the same way... 

But wait, Biana's a Vacker, she can practically get Sophie migrated out of here. Maybe I should just avoid- No! I have to make the most out of Foster's return in my life! I zone back into eavesdropping. (He's not even guilty!

"But I think this should be up to your boyfriend, not me." AWW! Her reply is so... so her. Foster will always be considerate. 

I decide it's enough snooping for one night. I hopped back next to Fitz, and handed him the mic. 


  ~~The Show of the Night~~

Sophie's POV

Of course Miss-sassy-pants goes first. AND of course she dances. Biana is dancing to the song '7 Rings' by; Ariana Grande.

~~~~(I know there is a lot of girls but just chose one and pretend it's Biana.)~~~~

I hate to admit, but that was flawless. Every move was... feisty and confident.

Each booming applause echoes into the stars, making them wink on every clap. However, I think I've got a way to steal her thunder. There is no way I can lose to her!

"Try to top that." Biana purs, as she makes her way inside.

I reply with a cashier smirk, hiding my butterflies.

Fitz announces my name, as my heart nearly burst out of my chest.

"Time to set lose, Sophie." I murmur to myself.

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