"Cannon Ball" part 2.

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I wuuuuuuuuuuuuuvvvv this song, Talk soooooooo much!! Listen to it while you admire anime hotties!!!! AHHH I'm melting!!!!  Heads up, I might use this song for this story in a future chapter. So beware. But anyways... Enjoy this one!!!<3<3


" Wish me luck, Sophie." Linh saluted. Then stepped out. 

Linh walked like a tiger,fierce and confident, showing them whose boss! Her eyes glittered like the moon, her lips were pink and delicate as she drew a sly smirk. All males' cheered as hearts glowed in their eyes. Linh's beauty is like a peacock, elegant, mysterious, and meant to be shown. 

I'm no beauty queen like Biana and Linh. I'm just ... Sophie Foster. 

Then words from uncle Sandor, echoed into my ears. "Sophie, you're a warrior! You're strong, beautiful and mostly... A girl with many talents. You can do anything, if you put your -" 

"Mind, I know, I know, I know." I interrupted uncle Sandor. He shook his head.

" Your heart. Because your strength and beauty come from the heart." I nodded. " And you should never forget..."  

I quickly swept my hair into a messy bun, as Keefe instructed, as linh made a u turn from the catwalk. And muttered my thanks to uncle Sandor. 

"Hey Soph. It's your turn." Linh called. All the fluttering multiplied by a hundred. "C'mon Sophie! I'm cheering for you!" She pumped a fist in the air. Which made ALL the fluttering stop.

"Thanks Linh." I tepped forward to the curtains, drawing a long nervous sigh. " Keefe's plan better work." I muttered, as I slid Keefe's sunglasses on. 

This was not edited, so beware!!!

And Sorry for it being short. Ther will be drama on the next. I promise!!!!

~CrisisS out <3<3<3

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