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A/N: OMG!! 135 views!! I'M SUPER HAPPY, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! So any ways I know you guys have been nagging me for an update... so here it is. FYI, I did as fast as I could, hope you enjoy.


Man Foster is soooooo adorable when she's excited, she looked like a cute little kid in a candy store. While we were walking around the campus, I noticed Biana walking towards me. No not to me, to Sophie. I saw her fist clenched along with eyes narrowed. Anger and jealousy is written all over her forehead. I groaned mentally. "UM... Keefe do you know her, she's like looking in to my soul." Sophie shivered.

"Don't freak, but she's... my girlfriend." I whispered the last word hoping she didn't hear, but she did. When I stole a glance at her she was emotion less, there was no surprise, no sadness, no anger, no happiness, no nothing, I did not expected that.


Keefe has a beautiful girlfriend, well I'm not that surprised. He's one of the most good-looking person I've ever seen, and of course he'd naturally pick someone who was pretty like her. He'd never look twice at a girl like me.

"Uh who are you?? and what are you doing with my bae?!" The over makeup-ed brunette shrieked. WOW what a Drama Queen, it's a good thing I've been practicing with uncle Sandor to build up my confidence, for this type of situation. Before Keefe could say anything, I Interrupted him with a hard nudge on the rib making him yelp. I smiled at the brunette, took out my hand and said brightly.

A/N: Sorry If this is super short, I'm just super busy with school and all that crap. But I hope you like it! I

~ CrisisS out

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