My typical

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Yup, I'm going to have boring names for the chapters now. :**<

I drew the Master of being Oblivious, Sophie Foster!!! /\
x 3x

Too Hot!!

"Too hot," Sophie said bluntly. "Are you trying to burn my tongue?" Biana brought Sophie sooooo many cups of water that Sophie's statement is really Biana's secret petition.

"Yes." Biana's teal eyes became sharper than sea glass.

Sophie challenged her glare. "Welp, this has to do." Sophie sighed not dropping their staring contest.

"OOH! A staring contest! Can I join?" Linh hopped like a little bunny.

Biana rolled her eyes breaking the tension. "You guys are such lo-" Her sentence was cut in by a whole lot of banging on Chemistry classroom door.

"Tammy!!??" Linh cried when the door relieved, a tall boy who resembles Linh "I though you were your band trip?"

"Told you it's Tam! I'm not five!!" He rolled his similar pale eyes, "Anyways I just literally quit the band. The trip was mostly me running around, like their errand their little errand boy." He sighed.

"Yay! You can join us!" Linh burst, pointing Biana and I.

~~~ okay since every one is asking me to update... (peer pressure) Then I guess I should stop stalling, even though this story might ................ Nope! You got to finish reading the chapter first!~~~

"Can't believe you dropped your standards on friends." Tam whistled.

"Hey!-" Linh started.

"I didn't mean you, I was talking to them." He stride towards the brunette and the blonde girls. "So tell me, Vacker. Why would a miss perfect like you, not hanging out with your model besties?"

"This Blondie, was the one who dragged me here" Biana scowled, mostly at Tam for saying the remark.

Sophie giggled darkly, "So you're blaming me, that you lost your bet?", was what she wanted to say, but instead shook her head and took a sip of her steaming water. "We are actually her NEW BFF's."

"Awww, so let me guess. You're in here braiding each other's hair, giving yourselves makeovers, and spilling tea about boys?" The male silver tipped twin chuckled.

Tam's attitude reminded Sophie about another boy, who would've said the same thing if he was here-

"Pretty sure you're right about the last one." Keefe said from the door frame. "Ladies, just can't stop gossiping about me, and my awesome hair- no offence Bangs Boy." Keefe winked and Tam.

Speak of the devil, Sophie thought.

"Keefie!" Biana hopped out of her chair and slid her arms around Keefe's neck, "Thank goodness you're here to save me from these people!"

"You sure are clingy sis." A crispy accent said, behind Keefe, reviling a handsome-prince-like boy, Fitz. "How about me, where's my hug?"

"Awww feelng left out, cause' you don't have a girlfriend?" Biana teased, "Snuggle her." The brunette pointed at Sophie.

A flushed Sophie, choked on her water, dropping her glass-- but quickly catching it before hitting the ground. Luckily the cup was empty, and the odds were in her favor; saving her with the warning tone for the next class.

"Op, that's the bell," Linh shoved every body out.

"Bye Foster!" Keefe hollered out side, being dragged by Biana.

"See you-" Sophie started, but slurred as the teal-eyed boy pulled her in an embrace. "Uuhhh...?", Sophie turned red as mars and as hot as the sun. Her heart involuntarily flipped. What is HAPPENNING???

"Just a friendly hug." Fitz said unwrapping Sophie from his arms, "See you around!" Then he vanished in the crowed of students.

She has never had a boy she just met in a week, suddenly hug her with no warning! This was new. But then again everything was new to her. Sophie has always been an isolated girl. A girl trapped in her own will. Now, some people are reaching out, taking the time to know her. And one particular person threw himself on HER!!!...

"I've never seen anybody that disparate." Tam muttered walking away.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~In Class

Of all classes Sophie has taken, they were all easy, all except chemistry. Even though it was her second day of school, she has already turned the class room neon purple!

Sophie's classmate didn't mind too much, they were thrilled to the idea of being dismissed fifteen minutes in class, but they had to shower the pee like trench. But professor Galvin did not appreciate the fact that her favorite -and-apparently-really-highly-exclusive-and-expensive lab coat is covered; in a violet substance that stank like urine.

Sophie was extremely lucky that she's a new student, or she'll be thrown in detention. Her professor made it loud and clear, before leaving Sophie to clean the mess of her explosion.

It was Fitz's fault, she thought guiltily, if he didn't hug me when I was off guarded, I would've not made the mess!

Sophie was used to odd smells and labour, due to helping her parents with their animal preserve, so it didn't take long for her to wipe the whole classroom clean.

She just wish she's used to odd feelings and boys.

Un edited -902- words

A/N: Hey guys!! I know I haven't been active AT ALL, but I really do care about you guys who's been reading my chapters. Thank you for being patient with me and my procrastination. But sadly I think this book might have to end here, UNLESS I find determination to continue. I am deeply sorry.

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