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Sophie's Pov

Recap: "Huh?!".

I don't know who was louder me or Keefe. 

" why do I need to go to the office?" I asked. Keefe shrugged and smirked.

"Ooooh, Foster's in truoble, and at you first day too." Keefe commented, I rolled my eye. Then the intercoms came on again.

"Keefe Sencen please come to the principal's office. Keefe Sencen please come to the principal's office." The intercoms said. Keefe groaned, I giggled.

"Ooooh, Keefe Sencen' in trouble. But to be honest I'm not that surprised." I stated. Keefe rolled his iced-blue eyes.

"Well c'mon" I walked out of our hiding spot and gesture him to come.

~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~

" phew. to be honest I thought I would be in big trouble." I carried 6 think heavy textbooks that the school provides. Keefe carried some other essentials the school gave me. 

" Hhhmmm. * chew* *chew*" 

"Keefe what are you eating? Hey your getting crums  on my gym cloths!" Kicking him playfully.

"Mhawwophemt," He opened his mouth big and wide. I dropped my heavy textbooks on my feet, making a gagging, yelp noise. 

" Ouch!!, Keefe you're gross. You haven't changed a bit." picking up my textbooks up, and continued. " What's a 'Mhawwophemt' ??" Keefe swallowed,

" First, I'm not gross, I'm amazing!" keefe stated, messing ' The Hair ' making him look even more cuter. Wait... What.?? " and second it's called 'MALLOW-MELT', and they are the  best. You wanna have some??" Keefe offered a puffy marshmallow-like treat. I took the treat with no hesitation. I bit into it....

"Oh. My. Goodness.! this is like the best thing I've ever put inside my mouth!!" ( Amy's first reaction of mallowmelt)I quickly chewed on the puffy so called 'mallowmelt', like a pig. Keefe enjoyed watching me devour the treat. 

"Ah. you have a little something..." Keefe licked his thumb, and rubbed off excess chocolate on my cheek. I swear my face are on fire. There is no doubt that Keefe saw it. Keefe gave me his signature smirk, that made my heart some how flutter. " Foster_"

" Ah, Keefe!!- oh, Hi." A boy with dark raven hair- that's perfectly styled, his eye were teal-I mean wow teal eyes that's awesome!!. The boy smiled at me, his smiled was made for a movie star.

" Hey Fitz! This is Sophie. But I call her Foster, she' my childhood friend." Keefe turned to me and continued " and Foster this is my man, the Fitzter." Keefe introduced.

"Actually its just Fitz." Fitz smiled and pulled out his hand for a handshake. And I did so.

" You can call me Sophie." I smiled back.

" Hey Keefe why don't you invite Sophie here, for the 'beginning of school party'. It'll be fun."

A/N: sorry for taking forever, I was busy with school. I had to wright a stinking essay a bout canada. I hope you enjoyed XD.

~CrisisS out *salute*

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