Our Song-2

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A/N: warning this is going to be a musical. I skipped some parts of 'little do you know' song. hope you like it, and if you do please vote, and comment down bellow!!


" little do you know how I'm breaking, while you fall asleep..." That song Expresses my agony, when he was gone. I sang, spreading my wings and flew, to my heart's content. This gave me the courage to face Keefe. I stood up, walking around campus trying to find him.and continue to sing. " I'm ready to forgive you but forgetting is a harder fight, little do you know, I need a little more time..." As I walk around the corner, I bumped into something or someone. I fell on the floor, I looked up it was Keefe. He held out his hand, and sang " Little do you I know you're hurt while I'm sound asleep. Little do you know All my mistakes are solely drowning me Little do you know I'm trying to make it better piece by piece..." I took his hand, then he helped me up. I couldn't help myself but strangle him with a hug.

" I missed you. " I whispered, holding back a tear. She noticed that he got taller, she also noticed that he's been work'n out. But I kept those comments to myself, knowing Keefe he would probably tease me mercilessly.

" I miss you too. Foster. I'll never leave again" A smile cracked, its been a long time since I've heard him say my last name. I buried my face on his uniform, he smells... amazing. " Smelling the amazing Keefester eh?" I felt my face heat up, Keefe felt it too. "OOooOO, did I just make Foster blush?? - Man I missed this game."he teased. I let go from the hug, jumped, and ruined 'The Hair'.

" But man I missed the 'ruin The Hair' game." I chuckled at Keefe's priceless face.

" It's on, Foster." He looked at me, then flashed his evil trademark smirk. I backed away, knowing his trouble making face.

" We'll lets see about that?" I started to run, turned around and stuck my tongue at him. Keefe burst out laughing. Then he started to run after me.


I halted I totally forgot that I was at Foxfire. All of a sudden Keefe jumped on top of Sophie, pinning her down. " Sophie I forgot to ask. do you forgive me?" Keefe used her first name, which probably mean he's serious.

" That goes without saying." I replied. " Now, please get off of me." I said. He grinned, and he obediently got off of me, and he offered his hand. I looked at his twinkling ice-blue eyes, I smiled and gladly took it. We walked together, told stories to each other just to catch up with each other. When we got to the massive gates of Foxfire Academy, Keefe held my hand, and with his other one, then with a snap of a finger the gate opened. I just stood there, my eyes as wide as the moon, and my mouth was collecting flies. I never new there was a school this vast and this sparkly, it's like asking for attention. I turned to Keefe, he was chuckling. When I glared at him, he cleared his throat, smirked and said.

"Welcome to Foxfire Academy. Foster"

A/N: this story is really rushed, and i bet you can tell. I hope you peeps like it though. Ahhhh Sophie and Keefe are just meant to be ~sigh~. See y'all next time. *hug* <3

- CrisisS out *solute* <3

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