My words

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A/N: Lets all pretend that up there was Keefe, in his uniform look'n all hot, and stuff.

Keefe's house is down below, also imagine it with huge windows, and a fountain with baby angels at the middle of the patch of grass. At the top of the doorway, the Sencen crest is placed there, and a dark blue and royal blue Bugatti. F.Y.I I'm trying to make it all elegant and all that jazz, just the way Keefe's parent want it to be.



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Keefe wakes up to his alarm, groaning, wrecking his so called 'beauty sleep'. Keefe being the lazy butt he is, snoozes his alarm and goes back into snoring. He H-A-T-E-S school, so he skips most of his classes, but he still has high grades. Due to his photographic memory, Keefe attends Foxfire Academy, He's one of those filthy rich boy's with crazy good looks; his golden messy locks, ice blue eyes, and his sly trademark smirk attracts every girl like a magnet. But Keefe absolutely loves to cause havoc left and right. Pranking the principal, his parents, and everybody else -without getting caught- is his everyday goal, so he had earned the 'bad boy' name. Keefe and his parents don't particularly get along well. The fact that his parents want him to be a 'mini-them' upsets him. His best friend, Fitz Vacker, has been his only stepping stone, always being there for him. Keefe secretly plays the piano, remembering his childhood friend with every note. He tends to draw her out of misery, hiding the portraits in the attic. He had plastered posters and paintings he made across the walls, it was his fortress.

~Five minutes later~

"KEEFE!! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!! You've got until the count of 5, and if you're not up... I'll dump ice cold water on you!! You're such a disgrace to this family!!" Keefe's grumpy dad proclaims, stomping up the stairs. He throws a pillow at his son's face, and Keefe instantly gets up, not wanting 'The Hair' to get ruined.

"OK! I'm up." Keefe snapped, glowering at his dad. "Go away and leave me alone!" Keefe yells. His dad rolls his eyes, and mutters something as he shuts the door behind him. Keefe sticks out his tongue, then changes into his school uniform. Approaching his mirror, he styles his hair (like the boy at the top), and goes downstairs to eat breakfast by himself. He glances around his bulky house that they bought years ago, and lets out a sigh. At his old house he had friend. He could still remember what she looks like, but he forgot her name. Their houses were next to each other, so they could play all day long. She understood him, he understood her. Keefe's parents suddenly moved to a new and fancy house. Without a word he left he left her. Keefe sighed, and hid his pain behind his smirk. Grabbing his keys, he hopped into his royal blue Lykan HyperSport, he bought for himself.

 Grabbing his keys, he hopped into his royal blue Lykan HyperSport, he bought for himself

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Minutes later, Keefe arrives at the student parking-lot. Across the street he could see his girlfriend, and let out a groan. Biana's her name, she's the most pretty and popular girl in school. She's a brunette, and has the same teal eyes all the Vackers' have -being Fitz's sister. Keefe loves her, but as a sister, nothing more. Either way, he loves someone else. Keefe was forced to be with her, to make the Sencen company look good, by having the famous Vackers partner with them. Besides, they barely see each other, because she's busy with modeling for magazines and all that jazz, only at school they can see each other. One of the reasons he hates school.

"Hey Bi!!" Keefe greeted his girlfriend, trying to sound excited to see her. Biana lets out squeal, almost making Keefe's ears bleed, and comes running, strangling him with a hug.

"Keefie!! It's been, like, forever!! I totally, like, miss you!!" Biana balances on her tiptoes, trying to kiss Keefe. Keefe quickly turns his head (Don't worry we r safe from making Kiana official), causing Biana to kiss him on the cheek.*DING~DING* Keefe was saved by the bell, he pulls himself out of Biana's arms, looking into her shocked eyes. Keefe grasps her hand, and leads the way as they walk inside.

Inside, Biana ditchs her boyfriend and skips to her OMGG (Obsessed with Makeup, Gossiping Girls). Keefe rolls his eyes, and walks to his locker, smirking and winking at all the girls who were drooling over him. As Keefe rounds the corner, he lets out a sigh of relief, noticing Fitz, waiting for him at his locker.

"Hey, man! Did you get a girl yet??" Keefe asks Fitz. Fitz rolls his teal eyes, smiling. Before Fitz could say anything the morning intercoms come on; "Good morning Foxfire Academy, chess club meets at lunch, and could I have Keefe Sencen come to the principal's office. Keefe Sencen, please come to the Principal's office. Thank you." Keefe is used to being called to the principal's office for all the pranks he'd done in the past, for punishment he constantly goes to detention.

"Well, that's your cue. Good luck 'Keefie'!" Fitz teased, laughing his head off. Keefe dashes off, leaving him feeling like a weirdo.

When Keefe got to the principals' office, Principal Alina (Pr. Alina), was at her desk. Keefe got super confused, as he sat in front of her. She smiled at him, giving Keefe the shivers .

"Thank you for coming, Mr. Sencen. I have a task for you..." She paused for a moment, waiting for him to nod, he did so. "... We are have a tranfer student coming today, and I want you to wait for her at the front gates, hold out this sign" Pr. Alina thrust out a sign at him saying: 'Sophie Foster, welcome to Foxfire Academy!'. Keefe stared at the sign, was that name familiar? Then shrugged it off. "I also want you to give her a tour, okay?" Pr. Alina finishes. Keefe tilts his head.

"Can I get something in return?" Keefe questions, with a smile. Pr. Alina frowned.

"As you wish." Pr. Alina sighed. She glances at her watch for a moment, thinking. "How about 3 pardons from detention?" Pr. Alina bargained.

Keefe nodded his head. "Perfect. Now, I'm heading out, she might already be here." Keefe clutches the sign, and runs out of the office.

Outside, Keefe leaned against the gate's marble pillars, observing the name Sophie Foster. Minutes later, he hears a car pull up, and holds out the sign. The girl inside the car glances at him, looking embarrassed, so Keefe looks away, giving her privacy. He hears the car door slam, and soft footsteps approaching. Displaying his smirk, he swings the sign under his arm, ready for introductions...

Then saw the girl.

A/N: Sorry for typing sooooo slow, but I hope you liked it. It was so hard type stuff about Biana and Keefe... it just feels... wrong, and gross. And, wow, over 1000 words. eeee to much words, my fingers r killing me. Oh well. Please leave a comment down below and see your opinion of my fanfic. Edited.

~CrisisS out *solutes*<3 :3

E/N: Excitement, excitement. The next story won't be edited for a bit, but sooooooooooooonnn. Hope you all enjoyed. BYIIEEEEEEEE


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