My legs were shaking and I was scared. Scared that I was doing the wrong thing. I put that behind me and then walked to the kitchen. He was cleaning the mess on the floor not noticing my presence. I could just turn back and change but I rolled my eyes. I wanted this. I wanted him.
"I would have done this on my own you know."
He looked up at me and his eyes widened. "I felt like helping." His eyes raked my body quickly and I took in a deep breath.I looked down at myself like I wasn't aware of what I was doing. "Uhm this is how I dress here." I looked into his eyes and he cleared his throat. "Right."
"So we could eat, yeah?" My voice was low and he walked up to me. My breathing quickened as he used his hard hands to remove the gown on my body and dropped it to the floor. Honestly speaking, there was no need for that gown. Just the fact that it made me more modest.
My heart began to beat faster synchronizing with my breathing. This is what I wanted. This was what I was getting. He placed his hands on my waist and I shook and then, he looked into my eyes for permission and I nodded. That was a go ahead.
He began with my neck slowly. I felt like he was going to eat me at that moment but in a precised way. I wrapped my hands round his back and he moved to my lips. He then carried me up to his waist so he wouldn't bend that much. That was really uncomfortable I could tell.
My thighs were on his waist and my hands on his neck while his hands were on my bottom. His tongue found mine and the kiss just got deeper.
"You're not just beautiful with brains." He said easing the tension. "I'm what then?" I asked still kissing him. "You're sexy as fuck."I kissed him deeper till he led us into the parlor and dropped me on the sofa smirking at me. I looked into his eyes and sat up smirking also. I was on fire.
I then unhooked my bra by myself and he looked at me. "You sure about this?"
I laughed. "I'm very sure cause..." I took in a deep breath and grabbed his lips again. "Cause I.... I'm into you."He stopped kissing me and shook his head. "No."
I frowned. "What?"
"You're into me?" I was flabbergasted.
"Yes. I thought you had thesame feeling."
He closed his eyes. "I...didn't really take it that way."
I was furious and then I stood up going to get the gown from the floor in the kitchen. "You are unbelievable." I wore it.
He sat on the sofa and took in a deep breath. "This has to do with the kiss."
"Yes it has alot to do with the kiss. Why did you kiss me if you weren't into me?"
"It's unexplainable.""This has to do with Ahneeka right?"
He looked at me in pity like he didn't want to say it. I took in a deep breath and tears began to gather in my eyes.
"Does it?" I asked again loosing my voice already cause of how bitter I felt and he nodded. This was just too much. The tears that were pooling in my eyes gushed out and my heart was aching that I had to hold my chest.He stretched to clean my tears and I rose my hand. "Don't you dare! I thought you had something for me. I didn't understand that you were just leading me on for your personal benefits." He then said. "I wasn't leading you on. I just had to stop whatever we were doing cause of......"
"Ahneeka? The psychopath? Wowww!"
"Yes Ahneeka the psychopath! If I didn't say anything about it, I would have just fucked you with nothing attached. Wouldn't you hate me?!"
"Fuck! I hate you already so you didn't do anything better."
" Well, you would hate me more than you already do."I looked at him with anger and loath. "What do you even see me as?"
He heaved. "I see you as a girl..."
"A girl?" There was a knock on the door and I rolled my eyes. I opened the door and then saw Brad.
"Brad?""Why are you crying?"
I shook my head. "No it's uhm..."
"Trevor?" I turned and looked at him. Brad was very right. "I was just leaving." He said and I frowned. Hey, we aren't done talking. "We were having a discussion."
He walked out of the house ignoring me and I rolled my eyes. Brad was very confused.
"What the hell is going on?"I watched him get into his car and drive away. Oh great! How could he leave just like that? I then felt Brad's hand on mine. "What did he do?"
I blinked slowly in pain.
Trevor just officially dejected me for Ahneeka. No wonder she called him babe. I was just too slow. This was like karma cause i did this same thing to David. Karma is a bastard. Brad then cleaned my tears with the back of his hand and I looked into his eyes. I was really pained at the whole thing that happened just now.
"Come in." I said and he walked inside accessing my gown with his eyes.
"What happened?"
I tried to smile. "Nothing serious."
"What? You were crying. You're lying to me."
"I was just sad.....sad that..." I bursted into tears. I was just sad that the person I loved didn't see me that way. He then hugged me and said. "It's okay. Just cheer up."
I got out of that hug and said to him. "It's not about Trevor." I lied and he shrugged. "I don't care. I just need you to cheer up."
I tried to change the topic. "I made spaghetti."
"Fuck that. I need you to cheer up so get dressed let's go somewhere." He said and looked at my gown for the second time then I noticed. I left quickly and went into the bedroom before he would start questioning me.I looked into my box and wore a jean with a normal black top.

Beautiful Imperfections
RomantikAs a growing girl I never got the attention I seek from boys I wanted. You know all those good looking cool boys with all the blings and all. But suddenly when I got that attention I've been dying for........what did I do? What did I experience? Mos...