Chapter 10: Feuds

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When I'd gotten back home later that day, I had sunk into my bed and fallen into a deep sleep within minutes. When I woke up my room was dark, so I reached over and turned the lamp on that stood on my nighstand. I groggily sat up, feeling pleased from that comfortable, long nap, then looked over at my alarm clock. 9:00 p.m.

Flipping the covers off of me, I scooted over and sat at the edge the bed, staring down at the floor and allowing my body to wake up more. My mind began to collect and my refueled energy began to makes it's appearance, when all of a sudden I heard the sound of glass crashing down on the floor.

"What the heeell? I asked to myself curiously after flinching at the noise. I immediately got up and rushed out of my room, stopping at the end of the narrow hallway when I saw Aunt Henna smashing empty bottles of alcohol in the kitchen area.

"First my daddy, then my sister and brother in law, and then my niece! My precious fucking niece!" She yelled to herself, angrily throwing another glass on the floor.

"Aunt Henna!" I shrieked, rushing up over to her. "Aunt Henna, what are you doing!?"

"Leave me alone!" She demanded, refusing to turn around and look at me.

"Are you drunk or something?" I asked, because this was way too out of character for her to be sober and all she's been doing lately is drink heavily.

"Go away!" She yelled. "I want nothing to do with you... you remind me too much of your sister!"

"Auntie, please" I pleaded desperately. "We can talk this out, please just-"

I was interrupted by the sound of her throwing another bottle, which smashed on the wall in the dining room ahead of us and caused my whole body to jump. I said not another word, and she just stood there, her upper body heaving up and down as she repeatedly inhaled and exhaled through her nose with anger.

"Go" She ordered through gritted teeth. I felt too scared to try to further this anymore, so I gave up and slumped back towards my room, planning to talk to her later when she was more calm and more sane. I stopped in front of my door then haulted myself, turning around to see Carmen's closed room that stood across from mine. I walked up to it and twisted the brass knob of the door, gradually turning it and pushing the door open. I turned on the lightswitch and closed the door behind me.

Everything in this room was left untouched since she died; she had an empty can of pop on her nightstand, a few shirts carelessly thrown on the floor, and an unmade bed, which I slowly walked towards and sat on.

The house was so much quieter without her here. Her room was so deserted without her living in it.

I laid down in her bed for a minute when a memory had popped up in my head; we were little, about nine years old, and I had come into this room in the middle of the night to wake her up .

"Carmy" I had said in my little girl voice as I nudged her with my free hand, my plush-toy bear having been occupied in the other.

"What?" She asked tiredly after shuffling around and finally arousing. She looked at me through groggy half-closed eyes that matched mine.

"Carmy, I had a bad dream" I told her. She patted the space next to her and I walked around the bed and crawled into it. She turned around to face me and asked, "What was the dream?"

"We were playing mermaids and you drowned" I replied sadly. I remember there being a lot of gory details to the dreamn, but I didn't wanna talk about them at the time so I had just gotten right to the point. "I woke up scared and I was crying."

"Aww, it's ok Dani" She comforted, pulling me in for a hug. When we released and stayed laying next to each other, she told me "I'm right here. I promise I won't die until we're little old ladies in a retirement home."

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