Chapter 25: The Date (Part Two)

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Before our eyes was a site that completely came out of nowhere. We're in this nice, quiet restaurant, right? And then all of a sudden, so many shit happened at once.

We watched as the waiter walked towards our table, only to somehow manage to hit his foot against the leg of a chair, thus tripping in the process. By now everybody in the restaurant had their eyes on him. He fell flat on the floor with a loud thud, and as all that happened, his tray flew out of his hand and onto a birthday cake, spilling spaghetti and steak everywhere - gross - but that's not it. As he fell a waitress was intersecting and tripped on him right as he hit the ground - the waitress had two trays, might I add - and she herself went catapulting over him, one tray spilling a chocolate souffle all over this lady's nice lavender dress, the other tray spilling drinks all over the floor. This waitress had also caused a loud thud as she hit the floor, just like the other waiter, who still laid sprawled out on the ground by now.

The whole restaurant was gasping and watching in awe. The lady who had her dress ruined stood up from her chair, standing over the waitress on the ground. The lady was drowning in panic.

"You messed up my dress!" The lady yelled at the poor waitress, as if she didn't have enough to be embarrassed about. "This cost 3,000 dollars!"

Her husband just watched her go off in silence. He should've done something, anything. He didn't even have any emotion in his face.

Another waiter walked along, saying, "Don't worry, we'll fix this" over and over, until he fucking slipped on the ice from the spilled drinks and fell on his back. Even louder gasps eluded from the crowd.

"Again?" Cliff said, trying to keep himself from laughing as all the chaos went on. I too was trying really hard not to laugh - I mean, I felt bad about this all happening, but Cliff and I couldn't help ourselves. Do you ever just catch yourself in a serious situation that you actually find funny (and sometimes you feel bad for finding it funny, too), then you try so hard not to laugh, but it's the fact that you can't laugh that makes it more funnier and harder not to? This was one of those situations, and Cliff and I couldn't keep it in anymore. We both ended up sputtering and cracking up. Everybody looked at us for a moment, serious looks overriding their faces, before they too relaized the funny side of the situation and a chain reaction of laughing fell over them too. Even the waiters who fell where laughing - the waitress who spilled the souffle was clutching her stomach and in tears from the laughter, even though she'd just been yelled at and the lady who went off was still pissed at hell.

"Damn, I'm sure glad I didn't have to work today" Cliff said through his laughter, wiping a tear away from his own eye with his finger.

"I'm glad we picked today to come here" I said.

The waiters ended up getting helped by Neal and some other people who worked there. The manager came in and silenced everyone, snapped on the waiters who fell, demanding that they clean up. As for the family who got their birthday cake messed up, he had the waiters get them a new one and discarded all their food costs. He then promised the lady with the ruined dress that he'd cover the expenses of her dress and make her dinner free as well. She grimaced and agreed with snooty remarks before settling back down into her chair and calming back down. Then everything went back to normal, and now everyone was talking unlike before all this happened, and their topics definitely had to be about the scene that just occured.

"Damn, that shit was funny as hell" Cliff said, causing us to fall into yet another laughing fit. As we waited for dinner to arrive, that was all we could talk about, we just couldn't get over it.

"How the hell did the waiter trip over the chair?" I said through a cackle.

"How did the other waiter trip manage to slip on ice that was right in front of him?" Cliff added.

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