Chapter 28: Where To Start

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"What you gon' name it?" Ebony asked. She was actually excited about the news, while Kyra had the correct reaction and was rather uneasy.

"Ebony, please don't ask me that shit right now" I replied frustratedly, rubbing my temples.

"So when are you gonna tell August and Cliff?" Kyra asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know. I don't even know who to tell first, forreal."

"You should tell Cliff first" Kyra suggested. "He your boyfriend.

"Nah" Ebony disagreed. "She should tell August, he her baby daddy."

"This is too much" I mumbled. This situation is so surreal. I have a new life growing inside me, in less than 9 months I'm gonna be the mother of a child who's father I'm not even with. How am I gonna afford to have a kid when I live on my own with no job?

"It'll be ok" Kyra consoled, rubbing my back smoothly as I sat bent over, my elbows on my knees as I paused the temple-rubbing and supported my face in my hands. "We gotchu through all of this."

"Right, we'll be here to support you all the way through" Ebony added. I smiled weakily at the both of them.

"Thank you, I love you both."

"I love you too" They both said back in unison.

August's POV

"You're from a whole nother world, a different dimension" I sang softly the lyrics to ET by Katy Perry on the radio, just as I was taking a turn into Dani's neighborhood. I need to stop comin' so often, this shit costin' me some real gas money.

I pulled up to the side-crub in front of her house and climbed out the car.

It's too maafuckin' windy outside today I thought to myself, adjusting my hat on my had as it almost flew out. NoLa's weather be petty as hell in February.  I made my way up to her front door and walked in, only to see her and two girls I only met a week ago, hugging.

"Did I ruin a moment?" I asked, closing the door behind me.

"Since he's here, maybe you should tell him first" Ebony whispered to Danielle, apparantly trying to make it quiet enough for me not to hear, but her whispering was too loud, and Kyra had to shush her. Too late, I already heard what she said.

"Tell me what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and walking in front of them. I crossed my arms across my chest and watched as Danielle looked at me, her face looking purely worried. They all stayed silent. "What's goin' on?"

"August, this isn't the right ti-" Danielle began, but Ebony cut her off.

"She pregnant with ya baby."

Danielle immediately shot her a shocked death stare and Kyra cussed her out and me, I just burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing for?" Danielle asked, clearly really confused.

"Aw c'mon man" I said through my chuckling, "I know this is a joke... you got me there, you really got me." Ebony threw a couch pillow at me.

"Boy this ain't no joke, you can go get the pregnancy test and see for yourself!"

My laughter came to an immediate stop and the smile on my face completely dropped. I stood there paralyzed, the only thing moving being my eyes, which were repeatedly looking from person to person.

"August, did you use a condom that night after the party?" Danielle asked.

I slowly shook my head.

"Idiot" Ebony mumbled in contempt, rolling her eyes.

"You can't be pregnant" I denied. "this can't be happening."

"I am, and it is" Danielle said.

"Nah, maybe the test lied, maybe youre n-"

"August, I've been throwing up all the time and I missed my last period."

"That don't mean nothin" I shot.

"Boy why don't you just own up and admi-" Ebony began going off, but I interrupted.

"LOOK. Why don't we confirm this forreal?" I looked over to Danielle. "I can drive you to the clinic and they'll give you a real test there. You gotta at least try 'cause you don't know, maybe the test you took was wrong and all the symptonm are signs of somethin' that ain't as bad."

Danielle sighed. "Fine, I'll just go so I can be confirmed that I'm pregnant. Again."


We sat along the seats of the quiet waiting room full of people reading magazines and little kids playing in the toy area. We been sitting here for a while and I was beyond able to stand still, rapidly shaking my leg and tapping my fingers along the ends of the armrests. I can't lie, I'm nervous as hell.

What if she really is pregnant with my baby? We too young for that shit. This ain't the time in my life to be havin a baby, I mean I'm an 18 year old drug dealer, a baby is the last thing on my mind at the moment.

There was only one other time when I had a high chance of being this girl's baby daddy. It was in 7th grade and the girl's name was Amelia, she was this regular church-goer who was really committed to her catholic religion, but obviously not enough. The girl turned out to be sex freak, I mean there were about 4 other guys taking paternity tests. She ended up having triplets and they were all ugly as hell because they looked like their daddy, and he looked like a tiki stone statue.

I looked over at Danielle, who was staring at the ground and noticeably shaking. I put my arm around her and pulled her as close to me as I could, letting her rest her head on my shoulder.

"Are you gonna run off if I'm pregnant?" She asked quietly.

"Nah, I'm gonna be there and take care of you while you pregnant and be the father the baby needs, like a real man. I ain't no pussy ass nigga who don't take responsibility."

"How are we gonna be able to take care of it?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, we'll find a way. Let's just worry about whether or not you actually pregnant, alright?"

She didn't respond, and soon enough, a doctor called her name in. I hugged her tightly before she went into the room with him, and I kept my fingers crossed.

Cliff's POV

I lay on my back, repeatedly throwing a baskebtall a short distance in the air and catching it within my hands. As I did so, I pondered the thoughts that I just couldn't shake off lately They were about Danielle and I.

Danielle is such a sweet, beautiful girl, and we've had a nice relationship so far, except for the fact that the love I give her is fake. I don't think I can keeep this up no more, I can't keep usin' her like this, but at the same time, I don't wanna break her heart.

I caught the ball in my hands after a few more throws then laid it next to me before resting my hands under my head. I huffed lowly and stared up at my cieling.

Cliff, why'd you get yourself into this in the first place? I thought to myself. This is your fault, and now you gotta step up and fix it. You gotta face the consequences. You knew this could happen.

I couldn't take the guilt of making a perfectly innocent girl who really likes me think that I like her. It's eating me alive by now, and I can't stop shunning myself for it.

I have to tell her.

August's POV

I waited in my seat anxiously for a matter of minutes before Danielle showed back up. She walked slowly over to me, clearly fighting back tears in her eyes.

"I am pregnant."


Damn, so how do y'all feel?

And what do you think Trevor's secret is?

MM: Ebony (Teyana Taylor)

Snatched (August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now